Digital Government

System-building blueprint evokes mixed feelings

The National Archives and Records Administration is preparing to issue guidelines for agencies to follow when building systems for managing electronic records. James Hastings director of NARA's Records Appraisal and Disposition Division said the final blueprint expected to be completed this fall wi

Digital Government

AMS, DynCorp size up $1 billion SPS contract

For American Management Systems Inc. and DynCorp being chosen as finalists for the Defense Department's Standard Procurement System contract holds a wealth of opportunity. Not only is the buy potentially worth $1 billion if completely deployed but also vendors and some industry observers say it cou

Digital Government

20 teams tapped for services buy

The National Institutes of Health awarded fiveyear contracts to 20 teams of vendors last week in its experimental Chief Information Officer Solutions and Partners (CIOSP) program giving some 250 companies a shot at task orders that together are worth an estimated $100 million or more. The closely

Digital Government

Vendor feedback sought for model draft guidelines

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy is developing examples of provisions that agencies might include in statements of work for new performancebased service contracts and is seeking comments from vendors on two draft proposals concerning software development and information systems maintenance

Digital Government

For the record, archivist looks to the future

Consider historical research and the mind generates an image of people hunched over fragile yellowed documents piled high on library tables. But in the future historians investigating the American past are as likely to sit down in front of a computer monitor and click their way around CDROM discs

Digital Government

Forum's new unit to promote tech to all levels of government

The Smart Card Forum a prominent U.S. smart card technology trade group is forming a unit to promote the technology to federal state and local agencies. Michael Smith general manager for operations with Schlumberger Danyl Moorestown N.J. and a Smart Card Forum board member said the unit will provid

Digital Government

CIO Council holds first meeting

The Year 2000 problem information security and multiagency contracts are among the issues that could be on the agenda of the newly formed Chief Information Officers Council according to officials who attended the group's inaugural meeting last Wednesday. The twohour session attended by about 40 CI

Digital Government

Treasury flips switch on $425M communications system

The Treasury Department switched off its 12yearold Consolidated Data Network (CDN) telecommunications system Wednesday morning completing its cutover to the new Treasury Communications System (TCS) run by TRW Inc. Immediate changes to the Treasurywide network are limited to advanced network man

Digital Government

Tracking procurement reform regulations

Regulations and other guidance to help agencies carry out the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996 the Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1996 and the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 are in various stages of development. This chart outlines the status of these rules.

Digital Government

20 vendors win NIH contracts

The National Institutes of Health on Aug. 15 awarded 20 contracts to vendors under ImageWorld a trendsetting procurement that could be worth more than $100 million. With its emphasis on commercial products ImageWorld is expected to reshape the way agencies buy imaging technology. The winners of th

Digital Government

Agency CIOs: More than half have been approved

More than a week after the Information Technology Management Reform Act took effect 16 of 27 federal agencies have had their chief information officer appointments approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Five agencies have selected acting CIOs. Within the remaining agencies an official has

Digital Government

Rules are major shift for agencies

New acquisition rules proposed this month by the Clinton administration mark a major shift in federal procurement policy from a focus on detailed work specifications to an emphasis on results. Five years in the making the proposed rules document a central tenet of acquisition reform: that agencies

Digital Government

Radical changes ahead for the FAR

The Clinton administration will soon propose sweeping and potentially controversial changes to the Federal Acquisition Regulation that would alter substantially the way agencies buy information technology. Under a plan that is expected to be released shortly contracting officers would have more pow

Digital Government

Resellers gird for battle on Treasury's TDA pacts

Government Technology Services Inc. and BTG Inc. are preparing to battle for desktops at the Treasury Department through competing Treasury Department Acquisition (TDA) contracts. GTSI and BTG are two of three vendors that hold indefinitedelivery indefinitequantity (IDIQ) contracts with Treasury

Digital Government

Interim rules replace FIRMR; other guidance planned

The Clinton administration marked the first day of the postBrooks Act era last Thursday by issuing new regulations to replace the obsolete Federal Information Resources Management Regulation (FIRMR). The interim rules would carry out portions of the Information Technology Management Reform Act (IT

Digital Government

New regs help FASA, FARA, ITMRA get going

The Clinton administration and the General Accounting Office have issued more than a dozen regulations that carry out various provisions of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act, the Federal Acquisition Reform Act and the Information Technology Management Reform Act, including: Repeal, as of Aug

Digital Government

Gavel falls for last time on IT protest jurisdiction

Wednesday is the final day that the General Services Administration's Board of Contract Appeals can accept bid protests for information technology contracts, concluding its decadelong role as an arbiter for these oftencontentious cases. Beginning Thursday, vendors seeking relief from alleged cont

Digital Government

GITS Board to take over predecessor's activities

The newly created Government Information Technology Services Board would continue the work of its predecessor, the GITS Working Group, as a facilitator of IT programs that aim to make government more efficient and accessible to the public, according to a recent status report issued by the working g

Digital Government

Treasury on new tack with TMAC follow-on

General Services Administration multipleaward schedule vendors competing for the upcoming Treasury Distributed Processing Infrastructure (TDPI) procurement have until the end of this month to pitch their wares to the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS plans to award up to eight contracts to supply

Digital Government

OFPP pushes agencies for pilot-project ideas

Agencies that want to test acquisition ideas have the opportunity nominate their procurements for one of more than two dozen pilot projects being planned by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. Under the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA) and the Information Technology Management Refo