Digital Government

Building the digital library

While the World Wide Web has given federal agencies unprecedented access to historical, scientific and reference data, it has also created a new challenge: finding the tools that make sense of that information. Whether they are homing in on key intelligence data or supplying educational materials f

Digital Government

Council calls for $1B for IT research

Too much of the information technology research sponsored by federal agencies serves shortterm, missionspecific goals, and the government should spend more money studying fundamental IT problems, according to an interim report by the President's Information Technology Advisory Council. To maintai

Digital Government

NCI to upgrade site for easier navigation

With more people looking to its World Wide Web site for information, the National Cancer Institute plans to spend up to $5 million over the next two years to make it easier for visitors to navigate its vast array of information about cancer research and treatment.

Digital Government

Graeff grows IT culture at NIH

At the National Institutes of Health, where scientific breakthroughs are the mission, chief information officer Alan Graeff has made a career of information technology firsts. Before Graeff became the first NIH CIO, he spearheaded the development of standard desktop applications at the agency's Cli

Digital Government

Watchdog group warns GILS' days are numbered

A program mandated by Congress almost four years ago to provide online indexes of government information to the public is losing steam, putting its future in question, according to a new report by the consumer watchdog group OMB Watch. According to the report, the Government Information Locator Ser

Digital Government

Treasury mulls how to buy phone service

The Treasury Department plans to launch a competition for local dialtone service next year when its Washington, D.C.area telecommunications contract expires, and the agency is studying whether to conduct similar procurements throughout the country. ''We'll be going on some uncharted ground, and w

Digital Government

NIH boosts the EC in ECS II

Ten months into one of the largest and most complex set of computer contracts ever awarded, the National Institutes of Health is reading promising vital signs for the electronic shopping and ordering services of its Electronic Computer Store II program. Last September NIH selected 45 prime contract

Digital Government

Disclosure fears threaten to slow files' release

The Energy Department July 31 awarded DynMeridian Corp. a fiveyear contract potentially worth $6.8 million to build a stateoftheart computer system to speed declassification of some 280 million pages of Cold Warera documents. DOE needs the system to cope with the volume of historically importa

Digital Government

System helps Treasury ease its HR paperwork

The Treasury Department, which spends 75 percent of its $12 billion budget on its 158,000 employees, is developing a computer system to reduce the paperwork burden that is associated with human resources tasks and to provide new personnel management tools. The system, to be based on software from P

Digital Government

GAO: DOE supercomputers underused, underscrutinized

The Energy Department is not getting enough use out of its 42 supercomputers and needs to take a closer look at its plans to buy five more machines during the next two years, the General Accounting Office said in a new report. The study, requested by House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. John Kasich

Digital Government

NARA proposes records policy

The National Archives and Records Administration last week proposed a policy for managing the federal government's electronic records that would require agencies to account for their digital documents but would not demand that agencies preserve documents in original formats. Only agencies that need

Digital Government

Treasury to codify IT managers' skill sets

The Treasury Department plans this fall to begin assessing and documenting the skills of its top information technology managers as a prelude to crafting training programs for current and future executives. The education plan, designed to carry out provisions of the ClingerCohen Act which demand t

Digital Government

Documentum unwraps EDMS 98

Documentum Inc. last week introduced a new version of its Enterprise Document Management System, called EDMS 98, that is designed to manage the entire 'life cycle' of a document, from its creation to its eventual destruction or permanent preservation. Larry Warnock, vice president for corporate mar

Digital Government

Treasury studies outsourcing ATM

The Treasury Department is studying whether to purchase highspeed Asynchronous Transfer Mode transport services from commercial carriers through its telecommunications contractor rather than build a private backbone network as initially planned for its $425 million Treasury Communications System (

Digital Government

Vendors follow DOD records standard

As vendors scramble to develop products that fulfill federal electronic recordkeeping needs, they are coalescing around a set of standards issued last November by the Defense Department. Known formally as 'DOD Standard 5015.2: Design Criteria Standard for Records Management Application Functional B

Digital Government

ATF out front with seat management

While skeptical federal agencies mull the pros and cons of seat management, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms already has installed desktop computers, laptops, office automation software and localarea networks agencywide under a $30 million seat management pact with Unisys Corp. it award

Digital Government

IRS reform legislation bolsters modernization effort

Tucked inside the Internal Revenue Service reform legislation approved by the Senate last week are provisions aimed at keeping the agency on track to modernize its computer systems. The measure, the most sweeping reform of the tax collection agency since 1952, focuses mainly on revamping the IRS to

Digital Government

Life after buyouts

If you are looking for Patricia Phillips these days, you are likely to find her scouring church rummage sales for great deals on antique radios, toys and pottery, which she then takes home, cleans up and resells at auction on the World Wide Web. The dirty work often pays off: A customer recently pa

Digital Government

NSF exec brings supers to science

Stephen Elbert, the new director of the National Science Foundation's Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI), tries to work technology into his job routine as much as possible. His love of technology became apparent when he asked to set up a videoconference for a telephone int

Digital Government

GSA develops sked for records

The General Services Administration is developing a new schedule program that would offer records management and archival services to federal agencies. Agencies could use the schedule to outsource the tracking, maintenance and storage of both paper and electronic records, said Patricia Miller, dire