Digital Government

Calling Buzz Lightyear: NASA taps all sorts to spur innovation

Jason Crusan gathers the brightest stars to foster innovation at NASA.

Digital Government

Dialing Up Telework

Agencies face complex steps in rolling out remote work agreements and training.

Digital Government

TSP recalls erroneous distribution payments

Board approves $1.5 million for testing to prevent future software glitches.

Digital Government

Feds receive revised retirement statements

Participants have six months to pay down outstanding balances, OPM says.

Digital Government

Obama announces two-year federal pay freeze

Civilian employees will not see any raises in 2011 or 2012.

Digital Government

Federal security clearance process improves, officials say

Turnaround time is faster, but lawmakers still are concerned with IT upgrades and reciprocity among agencies.


Cybersecurity is 'really about the people,' official says

Technology means little without a strong, multidisciplinary workforce trained to protect computer networks, panelists note.

Digital Government

GAO: Federal background checks can be risky business

Investigators could allow personal information to slip through the cracks, audit finds.

Digital Government

Telework is about to take off, officials say

Now more than ever government recognizes the value of working outside the office, agency leaders note.

Digital Government

FEHBP database raises privacy concerns

Observers say OPM's new tool leaves sensitive patient information vulnerable to attack.

Digital Government

Senate passes bill boosting telework

Compromise legislation must pass the House before being sent to President Obama.

Digital Government

Networx delays could force GSA to extend existing telecom contracts

Sole-source awards and higher fees for agencies are possible, industry representative says.


USPS' eIDEAS Gets Poor Score

The U.S. Postal Service's web-based program to collect employee ideas on customer service, productivity and revenue generation lacks transparency, leaving submissions in limbo, according to the USPS inspector general.

Digital Government

Soundbytes: Scammers, Conglomerates and Email Etiquette

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

Digital Government

Air traffic technologies get boost from Senate appropriators

But lawmakers are concerned FAA is taking too long to deploy key NextGen programs and have asked the agency to submit a spending plan that includes milestones and deadlines.

Digital Government

Hacking for Lactation

If you're a software coding guru, the National Library of Medicine -- and breastfeeding mothers everywhere -- need you.


The Email Guessing Game

An obstacle I encounter regularly in this job is locating contact information for specific individuals in the federal government. Unless I've met someone directly or been given their email and phone number by a colleague, it takes a good amount of time to track them down. I regularly have to ask, "Do you know the email standard at [agency name]?"

Digital Government

GSA slams its way through IT improvements

One-day workshop addresses important technology projects, says agency CIO.


Less Money, More Innovation

Information technology budgets may be going down in the next few years, and chief information officers will be asked to do more with less. However, strained resources could promote innovation and efficiency, according to a state IT professionals.