
How to build an effective e-retail site

Focus on security, payment processing, database and application integration, usability and customer service

Digital Government

SuperNet offers security, access

The EES SuperNet 2000 EAL4/r1 system offers a two-in-one solution for users who need to work with classified data and need to access public networks

Digital Government

PC MACLAN gets systems talking

Miramar Systems' PC MACLAN can be an invaluable solution for the system administrator trying to connect PCs and Macs


Configuration data: Go figure

Information technology departments are under pressure to cut or at least hold down costs while delivering improved services to users.

Digital Government

NetMax sweetens open-source networking

Cybernet Systems' NetMax Professional Suite will work as a workgrouptype file server or as a fullfeatured enterprise Internet server

Digital Government

Configuration data: Go figure

Information technology departments are under pressure to cut or at least hold down costs while being asked to deliver improved services to users. Fundamental Software Inc.'s Enterprise Configuration Manager (ECM) offers IT managers an opportunity to make gains on both fronts at once.

Digital Government

Sun Rays shine bright

Low price, good performance, access choices make these thin clients attractive to agencies

Digital Government

WebTrends dispatches security agents

The last time I checked out WebTrends Corp.'s Security Analyzer (Version 2.1), I found it a promising product that effectively helps system administrators identify security problems on their networks and suggests fixes

Digital Government

Sizing up IBM's new RS/6000s

IBM Corp.'s new copperbased microprocessor technology made its debut in the RS/6000 line earlier this year, where it serves as the power plant for a pair of machines designed to run World Wide Webbased applications.


Unicenter TNG aims for total enterprise management but falls just short

Government agencies are prime candidates for enterprise management tools, given that many of them have large numbers of heterogeneous systems distributed across the country and even around the world.

Digital Government

Making order out of chaos

Working in information technology, your world is getting more and more complex, and your role in the enterprise is becoming more and more strategic. In short, it's an exciting time to be involved in the technology business. That's the good news. The hard part is that instead of simple and homogenou

Digital Government

LANDesk gives users a grip on desktops, servers

Intel Corp.'s LANDesk Management Suite 6.3 actually is more of a desktop management tool than a local or widearea network manager. It offers some of the functionality of a complete enterprise management suite, but it lacks the network monitoring functionality of network management tools such as H

Digital Government

Unix Choices Up, Prices Down

There never has been a better time to be in the highperformance workstation business. Workstation users once had only a few options, primarily based on expensive Unix systems. Now, however, the choices seem endless. In particular, the expanding presence of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows and Windows NT

Digital Government

Linux-Mandrake user-friendly

W e have long been a fan of opensource software in general and Linux in particular. Until recently, however, we felt that the difficulty of getting Linux up and running on a typical PC would prevent the typical nonUnix user from enjoying the benefits of Linux. With the current crop of Linux relea

Digital Government

Rewritable CD drives get faster, cheaper

Who could argue with better technology, faster speeds and lower prices? That's what is happening in the rewritable CD (CDRW) drive market today. In this comparative review, we look at three rewritable CD solutions priced less than $400. These solutions are great for offices that need to duplicate

Digital Government

WebTrends' Security Analyzer finds network flaws

Maintaining the security of a network is critical, no matter how seemingly uninteresting the data it carries. By exploiting security holes in your systems and network infrastructure, an attacker can gain unauthorized access to data, commandeer system resources for nefarious purposes such as send

Digital Government

Sophos makes anti-virus protection more manageable

The recent highprofile outbreaks of the 'Melissa' and 'ExploreZip' viruses underscore the need for vigilant virus protection on every machine on an enterprise network. Vigilance is more than simply slapping a virusprotection package on a machine as it comes through the door and then forgetting ab

Digital Government

Linux rallies with low-cost, common OS architecture

After years of relative obscurity, Linux, as well as opensource software in general, has hit the market in a big way in 1999. Enterprise users are waking up to the value of software developed by and for the people who use it. And vendors are realizing that even when they give away source code,

Digital Government

Tadpole-RDI offers a 'luggable' Unix

Our theme in the accompanying workstation comparison is choice, which for Unix systems does not end at the desktop. If you need portable Unix, you have choices as well. TadpoleRDI Inc. offers several options for users who need portable, binary compatibility with Unix hardware. The bill is large, h

Digital Government

Unix choices up, prices down

In today's federal market, the expanding presence of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows and Windows NT operating systems is hard to ignore. However, some federal organizations, particularly NASA and the Defense Department, have opted to use Unix systems for computing power and stability. We are taking our a