
After Last-Minute Drama, Congress Passes a Government Funding Bill

After a short “technical” shutdown, Congress early Friday passed a measure that would raise spending levels by $300 billion over the next two years.


Senate Sends Bill to Reopen Government to the House

Government shutdown expected to end just hours after agencies sent employees home.


UPDATED: See Who Gets Sent Home in a Shutdown

Some agencies would furlough virtually everyone, while others would remain completely open if there is a lapse in appropriations.


Republicans Rally Ranks for Month-Long Spending Bill to Avoid Shutdown

House Speaker Paul Ryan said he is hopeful "cool heads" will prevent agencies from closing.

Digital Government

Feds Avoid Shutdown, But Larger Threat Looms in the New Year

Cuts to federal employees' pay and benefits could serve to offset funding boosts in a spending deal.


IG Cites Homeland Security for Abusing Its Power, Blocking Negative Report

One audit finds Trump administration violated court orders when enforcing its initial travel ban.

Digital Government

Contractors Begin Early Shutdown Preparations

Agencies will be forced to shutter their doors on Oct. 1 if Congress fails to pass a spending bill to set agency funding for fiscal 2018.

Digital Government

Veterans Affairs to Adopt Same Commercial Health Records Platform as DOD

Secretary David Shulkin said there was a public interest exception in skipping a full and open competition.


House Oversight Leaders to Trump: Stop Deleting Tweets

Chaffetz, Cummings say president and staff may be violating records retention laws.

Emerging Tech

Poll: Americans Want Drone Delivery - But Not Yet

Young, urban citizens more interested in the technology, Postal Service IG survey finds.

Digital Government

Everyone Seems to Want Federal Employees to Use Uber

Administration and Congress grapple with overlapping measure to boost rideshare usage.