Digital Government

OMB Restores Agency CX Guidance Eliminated Under Trump

The guidance had been eliminated by the Trump administration during the lame-duck session in late December.

Artificial Intelligence

Survey: Pandemic Accelerating AI Adoption

Multiple drivers are pushing federal agencies and industry toward AI technologies.

Digital Government

Senate Bill Would Force Companies to Safeguard Consumer Data

The bill outlines “reasonable” duties of care, loyalty and confidentiality for companies to follow or face fines.

Digital Government

Survey: Nearly 1 in 4 Consumers Distrust Government COVID Data

The survey also showed significant levels of distrust in some emerging technologies.


Consumer Privacy Bill Would Set National Data Privacy Standard

The legislation would require companies to write their privacy policies in plain English.

Digital Government

Biden’s Latest Tech Appointments

President Biden tapped former IARPA Director Jason Matheny for roles on the National Security Council and White House OSTP.

Digital Government

9 Government Tech Trends That Mattered in 2020

The federal government turned to technology during an unprecedented 2020 marked by the COVID-19 pandemic.


TTS Aims to Help Rebuild the Public’s Trust of Government

The tech group's director said each time an individual interacts with the government is an opportunity.


FBI Director Says Extremists Flocking to Encrypted Apps Poses New Challenges

Christopher Wray told lawmakers tech companies are the ones making policies about encryption.


Draft Senate COVID Relief Bill Includes $1B for Technology Modernization Fund

The fund gets a second chance at a boost after a $9 billion proposal didn’t make it to the House-passed bill.

Digital Government

IG: ‘Tens of Billions’ in Fraudulent Unemployment Claims in 2020

A Labor Department Inspector General memo suggests a massive uptick in fraudulent unemployment claims brought on by COVID-19.

Digital Government

Tech Among Top Priorities for Biden’s CIA Director Pick

William Burns also said he’d look to build morale at the agency in part by speaking “truth to power.”

Digital Government

Democratic Lawmakers Call Out TV Companies Over Misinformation Spread

The pair asked cable, satellite and streaming TV companies about conspiracy-related content ahead of a Feb. 24 hearing.

Digital Government

CISA Names Three Leadership Appointments

CISA announced a new deputy director, executive assistant director for cybersecurity and executive assistant director for infrastructure security.

Digital Government

Veterans Affairs Rolls Out Ethics Framework for Guarding Vets’ Data

The agency aims to set expectations around who can manage, view and access veteran data.


GAO Recommends VA Pause EHR Deployment to Resolve Issues

The Veterans Affairs Department told auditors it will move on with deployments while addressing test findings. 

Digital Government

OMB Nominee to Prioritize Efficient, Tech-Savvy Government

Neera Tanden cited cybersecurity as one of her top priorities and pushed for Congress to add to the Technology Modernization Fund.  

Digital Government

Senate Requests Intel on Capitol Attack

The lawmakers want timelines and operational details from 22 government agencies and offices leading up to the Jan. 6 breach of the building.