
Expired Security Certificates Locked DHS Employees Out of Network

The agency is checking other expirations to avoid other hiccups, an official said.

Emerging Tech

How a Flooded Data Center Sparked a Cloud Migration Effort

Agencies need to know their inventory and infrastructure before they start migrating, the SBA CIO said.

Emerging Tech

Deloitte Highlights Tech Trends to Watch

Agencies will have to wade through tech trends to determine what's of use.


Congress Requests Review of EPA’s Use of Encrypted Communications

The use of encrypted communications applications across government is on the upswing, though such communications are still privy to sunshine laws.

Digital Government

Watchdog: Better Data Needed to Fight Medicaid Fraud

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services oversight data needs work, according to the Government Accountability Office.

Digital Government

Forrester Predicts Less Money for Federal Tech, More for State and Local

However, total public sector spending in 2017 and 2018 is still expected to grow by 2 percent.

Digital Government

Congress Wants Quarterly Reports on VA’s Tech Investments

The House committee leaders want more frequent updates on major IT investments, projects and programs.

Digital Government

GAO: HUD's Legacy Tech Hogs 95% of IT Budget While Agency Struggles to Price Upgrades

“Significant weaknesses” plague the agency's cost-estimating practices for investments aimed to revamp IT infrastructure.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Irritated with VA's Continuing Tech Problems

With its history of failed large-scale IT projects that cost taxpayers billions of dollars, VA is again grappling with IT issues.

Modernization Achieves FedRAMP Compliance

Agencies now can begin using the platform for a variety of services, including hosting websites, information management tools and application programming interfaces.


How Feds Can Use Encrypted Apps—Without Breaking the Law

The use of encryption technologies to communicate with peers is undoubtedly safer than using traditional communications, but there are caveats for federal employees.

Digital Government

How Navy’s Warship Shop Uses Data to Do More with Less

A Navy program office turned to an analytics and visualization tool to help explain its workforce decisions.

Digital Government

Top Federal IT Contracts to Watch for in 2017

This year will offer more contracting opportunities valued at far less than the number of contracts that went out to bid in 2016.

Digital Government

What’s Up With the Office of Management and Budget Website?

Currently, the integral agency—a repository for memoranda issued by the executive branch—is without a website.

Digital Government

Harris Sells Federal IT Business

The deal is reflective of what analysts believe will be a busy year for mergers among IT contractors.

Digital Government

Industry Group to Trump: Halting EPA Contracts is Bad for Business

Part of the contracting community voiced “serious concerns” over the move, calling on EPA and the new administration to “share as much information publicly as possible” about the validity, rationale and duration of contract suspensions.


IBM's $62M Army Private Cloud Contract is About Ditching Legacy Systems

As part of the Army Private Cloud Enterprise program, IBM will build an IT infrastructure at the Army’s Redstone Arsenal near Huntsville, Alabama.