Digital Government

Spy Chief 'Excited' about Agency’s Modernization Effort

Initial skepticism "has dissipated as we've been able to explain what the purpose is," John Brennan said.

Digital Government

Can Better IT Management Save Government $5.8B?

A new report emphasizes shared taxonomy for techies, the business side and executives so all stakeholders speak the same language.

Digital Government

Ebook: State of Federal IT Contracting

Read about the contracts that will help shape the future of federal IT and some of the technologies they'll likely help procure.

Digital Government

How DOD’s Third Offset Strategy Benefits NASA

The space agency's largest budget account is dedicated heavily to developing technologies that translate well to the defense world.

Digital Government


Jeanette Hanna-Ruiz will begin effective Aug. 8 after being selected by NASA CIO Renee Wynn.

Digital Government

Despite Improvements, Government Still Bottom of the Barrel in Customer Experience

Overall, Forrester rates the federal government’s average index as “poor," with agencies generally rating from “very poor” to “OK.”

Digital Government

Lawmakers Introduce Alternative to White House’s $3.1 Billion IT Modernization Fund

The Modernizing Outdated and Vulnerable Equipment and Information Technology Act of 2016, or MOVE IT, directs individual agencies to establish IT working capital funds.

Digital Government

Federal CIO Wants to Change How Government Accepts Unsolicited Ideas

The traditional processes that have dictated how the government buys technology have likely kept it from implementing a smorgasbord of ideas, Tony Scott says.

Digital Government

Deltek: Federal IT Spending to Remain Flat Over Next 5 Years

Total federal IT spending is predicted to decline from $99.8 billion in fiscal 2016 to $98.3 billion by 2021.

Digital Government

How to Continue FITARA’s Momentum in the Next Administration

With an administration shift, the people appointed sometimes “don’t even know how to spell ‘information technology,'" one former agency CIO said.

Digital Government

Tony Scott: IT Modernization Fund or Not, ‘Accountability All the Way’

The initial investment of $3.1 billion could fund as much as $15 billion worth of new applications and infrastructure over the next several years, but only if it’s paid back in full, Tony Scott said.

Emerging Tech

Nextgov Event: Enjoy a Cocktail and Talk Emerging Tech

Our next meetup will highlight emerging technologies in play within the 17 agencies of the IC and on how nanotech and genetic research are affecting agriculture around the country.

Digital Government

The Decade’s Biggest IT Contract Is Out for Bid

"These next-gen Alliant vehicles have great potential to provide agencies with new IT offerings, expanded scope and flexible options while driving down costs for the American taxpayer," said Mary Davie, assistant commissioner for GSA’s Office of Integrated Technology Services.

Digital Government

Nextgov Event: FITARA and the Role of the CIO

Are CIOs really getting a seat at the table with other C-suite executives?

Digital Government

Do Federal Bosses Speak Data? They Should.

It may sound counterintuitive, but sometimes too much data can make decision-making more difficult.