Digital Government

Navy Wants to Train Employees to be ‘Ethical Hackers’

Thirty-four sailors will undergo the Certified Ethical Hacker program, an intensive five-day course.

Digital Government

Navy’s NGEN Recompete Could Go Out to Bid in January

The next iteration of NGEN will allow the Navy and Marine Corps to acquire more commercial capabilities in addition to the 34 service areas under the current contract.

Digital Government

Culture Change in Federal IT Starts at the Top

A leader plus top cover plus the right people equal great technology, one official says.

Digital Government

Past Performance A Big Deal for Alliant 2 Competitors

Potentially representing the largest IT contract of the year, its objective methodology for selecting winners is likely to make it also among the most competitive.

Emerging Tech

Box Rolls Out FedRAMP-Approved Government Offering

With that authority, Box for Government can now serve civilian agencies at the FedRAMP-moderate level.

Digital Government

The Key to Using Terabytes of Data to Predict Soldier Suicide

Researchers analyzed 1.1 billion data points from 39 Army and Defense Department databases.

Emerging Tech

Twitter Tips from the Education Dept: Don't Try to be 'the Cool Mom'

FAFSA’s team is known for its social engagement and its ability to leverage prominent hashtags, like yesterday’s #Maythe4thbewithyou.

Digital Government

Contracting Groups Blast 'Flawed' Approach to $17.5B Pentagon Contract

The groups take issue with the Pentagon’s choice to source the Encore III contract through the "lowest price, technically acceptable" selection process.

Emerging Tech

Watchdog: Risk of Weather Satellite ‘Data Gap’ Shrinks, But Risks Persist

The potentially forecasting-affecting "data gap" is now estimated at between seven to 10 months.


How the Intelligence Community’s IT Strategy Helped Link Assad to 2013 Chemical Weapons Attack

The intelligence community's IT plan been shoring up the same kinds of intelligence gaps that preceded the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.


Amazon Launches Cloud Marketplace for Spy Agencies

“It’s a big deal and we’ve all been waiting,” one NSA official says.

Emerging Tech

Because of Technology, Future Presidents Might Have to be Groomed from Birth

Increasingly-connected technologies will capture all of our missteps and store them forever, one expert says.

Digital Government

IARPA Wants a Hand-Held Laser Gun That Can Detect Chemicals 100 Feet Away

Current technologies for detecting narcotics, explosives and other dangerous chemicals requires physical contact.


Ex-Hacker: If You Get Hacked, Sue Somebody

The days of software companies having built-in legal “liability protections” are about to come to an end, one expert says.


Homeland Security Wants Government To Get Better at Mobile Security

A new document includes insights for chief information officers, business owners and developers.