Emerging Tech

GSA Loses Customer Experience Champion

Martha Dorris spent nearly 34 years at GSA, including leading efforts to improve the federal government's customer experience.

Digital Government

Shutdown Threat Lifts but NSA Chief Says Cyber Workforce is Still Fed Up

“The single greatest perturbation has been even the hint of a shutdown,” said Adm. Michael Rogers, who heads both NSA and U.S. Cyber Command.

Emerging Tech

NSA Chief: Clinton’s Private Email Server an Intelligence ‘Opportunity’

Rogers was responding to a hypothetical question from Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s controversial use of a “homebrew” private email system.

Digital Government

Both DOD and the Intelligence Community are Working on Major IT Upgrades. Will They Work Together?

The two initiatives must play well with each other to ensure national security imperatives are best executed across all missions and personnel levels.

Digital Government

Only 1 in 7 of the Pentagon’s Emails is Legit

Out of 700 million emails sent to Pentagon account monthly, about 98 million are actually "good emails,” an official says.


Pentagon to Industry: How Should We Do Cloud-Based Email for 1.6 Million Employees?

The Pentagon’s next-generation unclassified email system may exist entirely in the cloud.

Digital Government

Agency Data Chiefs on the Move -- Some Out of Government

A handful of data chiefs have packed up and left their agencies -- or government altogether.

Digital Government

Intelligence Community’s Grand IT Plan Still Working Out ‘Pain Points’

The initiative is in the midst of converging multiple networks – all tied to various legal authorities – into a single network.


Renewable Energy Lab Begins Moving More Sensitive Data to the Cloud

In 2009 NREL set out in earnest to open up and share its data through an application that became known as OpenEI.

Emerging Tech

Federal Agencies: What's Your Hack-Response Plan?

On Sept. 15, Nextgov will host a digital event dedicated to educating federal cybersecurity stakeholders on best practices in responding to data breaches.

Emerging Tech

US Citizenship and Immigration Services to Host Twitter ‘Office Hours’

USCIS officials hope to provide another avenue for customers to ask questions and receive real-time feedback.

Emerging Tech

DISA Issues Pentagon-Friendly Cloud Computing Guide

The guide is aimed at DOD “mission owners” planning to move an existing information system from a physical environment to a virtualized cloud environment.

Emerging Tech

Pentagon Debunks DOD-VA Interoperability Myth

“There is not a big interoperability problem with the VA and DOD today,” according to Frank Kendall, DOD undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics.

Emerging Tech

$11 Billion Next-Gen Weather Satellite Launch Delayed

“Schedule risks” found by NOAA, NASA and main contractor Lockheed Martin have slipped the launch again to sometime in fall, likely October.

Emerging Tech

QTS Sets Eyes on Federal Market with Carpathia Acquisition

The Kansas-based company, which already services many federal customers through 12 nationwide data centers, spent $326 million acquiring the cloud services provider.

Digital Government

No Protests After $9 Billion Pentagon Contract

Sources with knowledge of the bids tell Nextgov that Leidos’ bid was about $1 billion cheaper than the bids of its competitors over the contract’s 10-year base.

Digital Government

Where Customer Experience is Winning (and Losing) in Government

Without the spotlight of a presidential administration or a top-down leadership push, most federal agencies have long fought a losing battle in meaningful customer experience improvements.

Digital Government

VA’s Deputy CIO Takes New Job

Steph Warren oversaw VA’s $4 billion IT shop and its several thousand employees over the past two years, owning the agency’s cybersecurity strategy and answering repeatedly to Congress on its perceived IT vulnerabilities and the successful cyberintrusions of nation state-sponsored attackers.