
Data the key factor in mobile device management

Few people care about what happens to a device, points out Good Technology CTO Nicko van Someren, but most care what happens to the data on it.

Digital Government

Beyond the buzz of big data

The Army and the SEC are two agencies putting big data to use right now.


Study: Shared services could save government $28 billion

While three quarters of respondents said shared services are a strategic initiative for their agency CIOs, only about 40 percent of agencies have defined goals and objectives.


Telework Week totals more than 160,000 participants

Mobile Work Exchange calculates that this year’s 163,495 Telework Week participants -- most of them federal employees -- saved nearly $14 million in commuting costs.


NIST releases new guidelines for deploying PIV credentials to mobile devices

The draft special publication is the government’s response to the challenges encountered in authenticating smartphones, tablets and iPads.


Readers take on telework

Despite complaints from some, metrics support the idea that telework helps boost productivity.

Digital Government

Exploiting the data revolution

Harnessing the era of big data means “overcoming the limitations of our minds,” which will lead to a transformed economy, says author and MIT scientist Andrew McAfee.


Verizon exec joins TechAmerica board

Verizon Enterprise Solutions VP Sonya Cork is a 26-year communications and IT veteran in civilian and defense agencies.


Continuous monitoring is improving cybersecurity, but not without challenges

Federal networks produce an astounding amount of data. Agencies are now trying to figure out how much of it to save, and for how long.

Digital Government

Budget requests for science, research mostly flat

One big winner is likely to be NOAA, which is gearing up to launch new weather satellites in 2016-17.

Digital Government

IG report finds flaws in NASA's mobile device management

About 14 percent of all agency-issued devices went unused for seven months, says a report from NASA IG Paul Martin.


Weather satellite program appears back on track

Four of six instruments designed for NOAA’s next-gen system are ready for integration on the spacecraft, which is scheduled for launch in 2016.


Telework Week expected to draw 100,000-plus feds

Pledges for 2014 to work remotely have already exceeded last year's.


FedRAMP gets an OnRAMP

A new tool allows users to track cloud providers in FedRAMP process.

Digital Government

NOAA turns to industry for help in sharing its data

RFI seeks suggestions on how best to offer terabytes of weather data -- and to keep taxpayers from footing the bill.


Report: Big data, cybersecurity intrinsically linked

Analysts see 'tremendous value' in data the government collects, but say infrastructure and policy prevent making the best use of it.


Draft language signals more transparent NIST

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has been on the defensive since it was revealed that the NSA subverted encryption standards.

Digital Government

DARPA seeks innovative ways to make sense of data

If big data represents the search for a needle in a haystack, DARPA aims to develop technology that explains why the needle is in the stack in the first place.

Digital Government

Report: Government might expand NSA's database

Pending lawsuits could prompt agency to preserve meta data far longer than planned.