
Readers rankled over NOAA satellites

Should NOAA continue to manage satellite programs? Some readers are dubious.

Digital Government

Satellite launch delay extends time with no backup

A six-month launch delay for NOAA's next-generation geostationary satellites could mean the agency will violate its policy of always having a backup weather satellite in orbit.


Insider threat grows more ominous

In the era of Edward Snowden, the government is searching for solutions.

Digital Government

Lawmakers uncomfortable with China solution for satellite gap

Citing China's hostility to the United States, subcommittee chairmen urge other solutions.

Digital Government

NASA, NOAA chastised over testimony

Lawmaker finds agencies 'inconsiderate' during hearing on satellite coverage.

Digital Government

GAO critiques NOAA satellite programs

Congressional hearing, new reports explore program-management challenges and the problems that launch delays could produce.


Trusted ID programs garner $7 million in NIST grants

Five organizations working to develop and pilot identity protection and verification systems have earned a funding boost.


Contractors clamp down on Snowden material

As agencies made clear during Wikileaks disclosures, classified documents that have been leaked are still classified.


Intell community seeks energy-efficient supercomputer

Superconductor technology may allow an expansion of computing speed while reducing power demands.


Is cyber-offense the answer?

A private-sector expert warns that industry 'has had enough' of cyber-attacks, and wants stronger deterrence from feds.


NIST recommends against NSA-influenced standards

Users should hold off on a standard approved years ago while NIST and the public get another chance to evaluate it.


Sensor overload? How the Internet of Things will increase security risks

Sensors, which become more numerous by the day, offer intruders another point of entry into devices and Internet-connected appliances.


Cybersecurity: Locks are fine, alarms better

Keeping intruders out has never been an easy task, and it's only getting harder. Big data offers an alternative approach.


Intell community strives for better info sharing

Hurdles remain despite reaching important milestones, but solutions may be in sight.


How deep does NSA incursion at NIST go?

Readers wonder whether revelations that NSA influenced some NIST standards imply a deeper connection.


Study finds feds unprepared for looming network bottleneck

The 'big five' initiatives will choke federal networks in coming years if agencies are not prepared.


NIST reopens NSA-altered standards

Director defends the organization's integrity, invites new examination of long-adopted documents.


Intelligence community builds cloud infrastructure

The capabilities will grow still further when the CIA chooses between AWS and IBM.