Digital Government

Boston probe's big data use hints at the future

A day after the explosions at the Boston Marathon, authorities had amassed 10 terabytes of data in their search for clues.

Digital Government

White House joins Tumblr

The Obama administration's latest social-media venture promises quotes from the president, video, 'wonky charts' and photos of Bo, the White House dog.


A guide to handle social-media hacks

When a hacked AP Twitter account falsely reported President Obama's injury in an explosion, the public reacted with no immediate White House assurance. There are better ways to handle such situations.


How to spot a data scientist

The hottest job in tech has vague definitions, but the skills and aptitudes needed are clear. What does the future hold for this rapidly emerging field?

Digital Government

... but there IS an 'i' in 'data scientist'

Do data scientists deserve recognition themselves, or just as part of a team?

Digital Government

GAO raps DOD satellite operations

The Defense Department needs to modernize the ground stations and control networks that operate the nation's defense satellites.


Congressman seeks answers on Spires

Lawmakers adds his voice to those demanding to know why the DHS CIO is on leave.

Digital Government

Defining big data

The Conversation: FCW's reporters and editors respond to your comments.

Digital Government

USGS's new database helps users map biodiversity

A new web site opens up more than 100 million mapped records of nearly every living species nationwide.

Digital Government

Feds tackle 'major data crunch' in Boston investigation

Overload of video, social-media data brings both opportunities and IT challenges for FBI and other agencies.


Secretary of the Navy's site now on Amazon cloud

Commercial approach was faster, cheaper than government-owned hosting, CIO says.


Spires situation raises questions, concerns about CIO authority

The dispute at DHS brings new attention to old questions concerning CIOs' budget and purchasing powers.


Cloudy with a chance of furloughs at NOAA

Agency charged with watching the weather plans to shut down for four days during hurricane season.

Digital Government

Why NOAA-17 was put to sleep

The Conversation: FCW's reporters and editors respond to your comments.

Digital Government

Sketching the big picture on big data

Seventeen "big brains" from the public and private sectors offer definitions, challenges and more in new industry-funded report.


Why Spires is on leave

One month later, the DHS CIO remains on paid personal leave. A fundamental disagreement over CIO authorities is at least part of the reason.

Digital Government

NOAA retires longest-serving satellite

The NOAA-17 satellite provided weather and climate data for more than three times its life expectancy.


Could virtual meetings replace conferences in sequestration age?

A renewed sense of cost-consciousness is leading agencies to rethink travel policies.

Digital Government

NOAA's budget boost could help weather satellite program

A proposed increase could enable the science agency to develop new satellites faster, but still might not prevent a coverage gap.


CIO wanted at FEMA

The situation with DHS CIO Richard Spires remains unclear, but meanwhile one of the department's agencies needs a hand.