
Military stirs NetOps debate

The Joint Task Force for Global Network Operations will publish a key document next week to generate ideas on how to better operate and defend the Global Information Grid.


Army adopts bulk buying

After watching the Air Force get great prices and better standardization on hardware using a commodity buying strategy, the Army will start a similar initiative.

Digital Government

Feds prepare but say little about cyberdefense plans

Federal and industry officials participated in a simulated exercise last month to prepare for a possible large-scale attack on government and commercial networks.


BRAC brass visits Ft. Monmouth

Leaders of the Base Realignment and Closure Commission went to the base that houses many of the Army's IT offices.


Army holds up IMOD

The Army has delayed the release of a solicitation document for the multibillion-dollar Infrastructure Modernization program.


Air Force pursues new storage

Officials want to create storage-area networks and data warehouses that build on the service’s existing hardware and software.


Air Force to replace IT purchase system

The Air Force plans to use performance-based contracting to acquire AFWAY II.


IT community braces for base realignment

More than 1,250 Air Force employees with IT jobs in Dayton, Ohio, and Montgomery, Ala., face having their jobs move to Boston.


U.S. simulates a cyberattack

U.S. and industry officials participated in a simulated exercise to help them prepare for a massive cyberattack on computers networks.


Air Force IT plans for New England

Officials are taking steps to prepare for moving 1,200 Air force IT jobs to Boston.


Air Force abuzz about Boston

Alabama frets over the proposed transfer of 1,250 Air Force IT jobs to Massachusetts and two canceled service IT shows.


Off-budget funding keeps programs going

Army IT is served a big helping from supplemental spending bill.


DOD budget hits floor

The House and Senate committees overseeing the military have finished their fiscal 2006 budget markups.


Senate accedes to Pentagon budget request

This sets up a showdown on the military's IT budget when House and Senate lawmakers meet in conference set for this summer.


Army general joins Battelle

Paul Kern will be a company vice president and senior adviser on homeland security and national defense.


Another approach to warfighting integration

Air Force office signals a new era of IT convergence and efficiency.


House signals FCS cuts

The House Armed Services Committee’s Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee reviewed or marked up the Pentagon’s 2006 budget.


Base closings hit Army IT

The Defense Department recommended closing Fort Monmouth, N.J., the site of many of the Army's warfighting and business information technology organizations.


House eyes military IT

A House subcommittee proposed a Defense Department IT fiscal 2006 budget that would be less than the $30.1 billion proposed by the administration.


DISA, JTF-GNO prepare for Croom

Air Force Lt. Gen. Harry Raduege plans to pass the baton to Air Force Maj. Gen. Charles Croom on July 8.