Digital Government

Agencies on track for move to Networx

Report reviews six plans for impending transition to the federal government's largest-ever telecommunications contract.


Waxman Raps GSA Advisory Panel


Digital Government

Lawmakers question GSA nominee over Sun Microsystems deal

Jim Williams denies charges he was involved in pressuring procurement shop into awarding contract extension.

Digital Government

Census considers a smaller role for decennial count contractor

A final estimate putting the cost of canvassing and field office support at $988 million could cause the agency to limit Harris Corp's involvement.

Digital Government

OMB cuts number of IT projects on high-risk list

Agency also reports significant drop in projects on management watch list.


Progress mixed on tracking IT equipment

Agencies are taking proactive approach to IT asset management, but lack proper funding.

Digital Government

GAO: Indian Health Service concealed the loss of millions of dollars in missing IT equipment

Officials forged documents to cover up missing equipment, including laptops containing Social Security numbers and medical information.

Digital Government

Decennial census could cost billions more

GAO says 2010 estimate fails to account for all operations and is not accurate.


DHS behind schedule in developing biosurveillance programs

Two programs to detect and prevent naturally occurring diseases or those caused by a terrorist attack are months behind schedule.

Digital Government

Technology lacking to scan cargo pallets on planes

TSA tells Congress it plans to check shipments before they are packed and sent to airports.

Digital Government

Billing problems to third-party insurers plague VA

Systems failure to track payments bring into question $1.7 billion in unbilled services, GAO says.


Virtual Connections


Digital Government

File sharing's threat to agency data is growing, analysts say

Solutions include monitoring traffic and enforcing policies that forbid downloading peer-to-peer software.

Digital Government

IRS develops system to combat tax-related fraud

Indicator system and assistance unit aim to help taxpayers, but the agency will still be unable to track the extent of identity theft.

Digital Government

Census re-examines using Internet for 2010 count

After years of arguing with Congress against providing an online method to submit information, the bureau is back to seriously studying the option.

Digital Government

IG: State Department passport system wide open

Poor security policies and lack of clear disciplinary actions allow unauthorized users to view personal information in files.

Digital Government

Census receives $210 million in emergency funding for 2010 count

The money will cover extra costs the bureau will incur due to its decision not to use handheld computers to support the decennial census.

Digital Government

Generation Y seeks more interaction with government online

Report says younger citizens rely on blogs and social networking tools for information.

Digital Government

Coast Guard shows off first high-tech cutter

Public tour aims to demonstrate modernization contract is on track, but GAO says problems remain.

Digital Government

Presidential transition could put a damper on federal IT spending

Unsettled economy and wartime bills also putting the pinch on agency budgets, industry report says.