
OMB should test agency financial management compliance

The Office of Management and Budget and the Government Accountability Office continue to disagree over how much assurance is necessary to determine compliance with federal financial management regulations.<@SM>


Neal Fox | GSA: Incubator for change

There are a number of important initiatives GSA needs to undertake in its new role as an incubator for change. Ultimately, this is not about GSA but about the customers.<@SM>


OPM signs up Integic for RSM project

The Office of Personnel Management put in place the last piece for its long-awaited Retirement Systems Modernization project when it tapped Integic to digitize federal employee retirement records.<@SM>


HHS re-ups Perot Systems for communications outreach

The Health and Human Services Department awarded a five-year, $16.1 million contract recompete to Perot Systems Corp. for continued communications outreach support to the department’s Office on Women’s Health.<@SM>


DOD to gauge BEA progress

Latest architecture version to include success metrics and five new content areas.


Education upgrade enhances, smooths flow of student aid

New data center to reduce servers and accommodate spikes in volume.


OMB, GSA offer financial-management guidance

Partially finalized migration document still must address key issues.


FinCEN names CIO

The Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network selected Edward Dorris as CIO and associate director of FinCEN’s Information and Technology Division.<@SM>


OMB to release watch lists

The Office of Management and Budget will post the closely held documents on its Web site.<@SM>


GSA pushes practical skills for agency Web managers

Government Web managers are learning new skills to improve the functionality of the sites they run.<@SM>


Shawn P. McCarthy | Internaut: Geospatial LOB may need more help

Earlier this year, the Office of Management and Budget informed federal agencies about three new lines of business.


OMB finalizes FMLOB migration guidance

The Office of Management and Budget and the General Services Administration have finalized (for now) long-awaited guidance to help agencies assess whether they should turn over control of their financial-management systems to a shared-services provider.<@SM>


EA resistance starts at the top

Architects must show benefits to business managers.


Are you ready for Networx?

GSA officials urge agencies to plan now for next year’s new telecom contract.


E-Authentication maps out its future

Agencies completing strategy to let apps use single sign-on technology.


Agencies to work lines of business into EAs

Enterprise architects and business managers will be expected to develop modernization blueprints for their specific lines of business.


Williams completes FAS review

Federal Acquisition Service chief Jim Williams has changes in mind for his division.<@SM>


Coburn follows the money on IT

Sen. Tom Coburn is not an IT expert, nor does he want to be thought of as one. But his interest in controlling spending could have a significant impact on technology projects across government.<@SM>


Cybereye | What happened in Maryland?

Flaws, vulnerabilities and human error created a perfect storm for e-voting


DHS scuttles Emerge2 program

The Homeland Security Department has halted all activities under the once-vaunted Emerge2 project.