
AF puts its money on modernization

The Air Force expects to reach its modernization targets ahead of schedule. The goal is to go from an agencywide total of 1,700 separate systems and 19,000 applications to a better-integrated unit of 700 systems and 10,000 applications by 2012.


OPM revamps long-term-care insurance Web site

The Office of Personnel Management has launched a revamped Web site for the Federal Long Term Care Insurance program, the largest group long-term-care insurance program in the country.<@SM>


Collaboration gets DOD’s modernization on track

In just over a year, the Defense Department has made more progress on its business systems modernization project than it did in the past 10. <b>Paul Brinkley</b>, deputy undersecretary of Defense for business transformation, and his team in the Business Transformation Agency have been largely responsible for the turnaround.<@SM>


Obstacles confront ATC modernization: GAO

The offices responsible for overseeing the modernization of the U.S. air traffic control system face several obstacles, including transforming the Federal Aviation Administration’s culture.<@SM><@SM><@SM>


OMB cites lack of funding, as agency E-gov scores slip

The latest quarterly President’s Management Agenda scorecard suggests the administration still has its work cut out for it as it tries to convince a skeptical Congress of the benefits of its E-government initative.<@SM><@SM>


Karen Evans on OMB's Lines of Business initiatives

<b>Karen Evans</b>, Office of Management and Budget administrator for e-government and IT, discussed the nine Lines of Business initiatives that the administration is pursuing during an online editorial forum.<p><a href=""><u>Evans transcript</u></a>


Migrating to a human resource Center of Excellence

<b>Lynn Eddy</b>, the Treasury Department's associate CIO for HR Connect, discussed what it takes to migrate to a human resource Center of Excellence under the Office of Management and Budget's Line of Business initiative.<p><a href=""><u>Eddy transcript</u></a>


IRS struggles to take next step in E-filing

The height of tax season may be past, but the IRS is still feeling the pinch, as the agency tries to expand its electronic filing and free tax services. With Congress hot on the case, IRS officials are acutely aware that the pressure is on to make tax services more accessible.


Rule banning brand-name specs gets teeth

A year ago, the administration warned agencies against using brand names in contract solicitations. The Office of Management and Budget recently released a memorandum that adds some muscle to the regulation. While the existing guidance has the force of law, OMB also has started a rule-making process for the Federal Acquisition Regulation.


Sun's McNealy eyes e-government

The new chairman of Sun Federal told GCN he's as busy as ever after stepping down as Sun's CEO: "The e-mail has been a little harder to keep up with."


Budget cuts could slow IRS modernization

The IRS may take longer and have to pay more over the long term to modernize its business systems because the administration dramatically reduced funding for the program in its proposed fiscal 2007 budget. The Government Accountability Office and the IRS Oversight Board told lawmakers that IRS Business Systems Modernization should receive more funding to accelerate its progress.


Final rule mandates use of FedTeds

Agencies posting sensitive but unclassified information on the Internet relating to procurements now must use the Federal Technical Data Solution system, an online temporary repository of technical procurement data that is linked to the Web site.


XBRL could make A-123 reports easier

Federal financial and IT executives risk falling behind their commercial-sector counterparts by being slow to develop the use of Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) in their financial-reporting systems.<@SM>


OMB makes a bid for best value

The Office of Management and Budget’s renewed offensive to promote competitive sourcing is taking a page out of the e-government playbook.<@SM>


As e-gov projects grow, feds seek performance metrics

If the White House’s e-government initiatives are going to reach their stated goals, the government must establish new ways of promoting and touting the success of their initiatives.<@SM>


Labor’s deal could prove financial LOB’s worth

The theory behind the Financial Management Line of Business Consolidation initiative is that an agency could outsource, at a minimum, the hosting of its hardware and software, save money and focus on its core mission. But until now, a major agency had yet to prove this premise.<@SM>


E-voting technology gets a road test

Lingering questions about security and reliability could mean electronic voting is still not ready for the national spotlight. Still, one company is taking its technology out on the road in preparation for the big time.


IRS modernization budget needs more funding

Two organizations that monitor the IRS agree that the tax agency’s Business Systems Modernization should receive more funding than what the administration has proposed so the program can move forward faster.<@SM>


OMB wants compliance with LOBs, e-gov in budget submissions

The Office of Management and Budget reminded agencies that they must demonstrate how they are implementing the administration’s Lines of Business Consolidation Initiative in their fiscal 2008 budget proposals.


Bottom-line results

Avie Snow and her team really had to move after 9/11 when the Coast Guard was reassigned from the Transportation Department to the Homeland Security Department and had to migrate off DOT’s accounting system. In nine months, they built the Core Accounting System (CAS) for about $7 million.<@SM>