
Workforce issues creep into LOB debate



EPA retains help desk, Lotus Notes support functions

The Environmental Protection Agency will keep a handful of its IT services in-house after analyzing whether it would be cheaper to outsource those functions to the private sector.


Grants LOB managers out to prove consortia model works

While there are no stated goals for agencies to migrate to the three consortia under the Grants Management Line of Business, the agency lead managers for the initiative are strongly optimistic that at least one agency will prove this year that the shared-services provider concept works.<@SM>


NARA puts over 400,000 State Department records online

The National Archives and Records Administration is making available online, for the first time, over 400,000 State Department records and telegrams from 1973 and 1974.


GSA to release RFIs for new Lines of Business

The General Services Administration plans to release requests for information and hold industry days for the three news lines of business—IT infrastructure, geospatial and budget formulation—in mid-April.<@SM>


Satisfaction with government sites declines

Customer satisfaction with federal Web sites dipped slightly last quarter for the first time in a year, although users are generally more satisfied with the information the government has online, the latest American Customer Satisfaction Index concluded.<@SM>


Defense's business transformation chugs forward

In sending Version 3.1 of its business enterprise architecture to Congress last week, the Defense Department took another incremental step toward better data standardization and interoperability.


Agencies see value in EVM, but struggle to cash in on it

Although the government for the most part is embracing the concept of earned-value management, some agencies are going to be hard-pressed to meet upcoming Office of Management and Budget deadlines this month.<@SM>


IT managers eye multiple priorities: survey

Senior agency IT managers report their priorities are spread across a number of areas in fiscal 2006, including ensuring their agencies receive a significant return on investment for their systems, information security and the federal IT budget.


NIST says agencies should begin move to stronger hashing tools

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is urging agencies to begin migrating away from the flawed SHA-1 hashing algorithm in favor of stronger algorithms.


DOD delivers BEA Version 3.1 to Congress

The Defense Department will meet its second congressionally imposed deadline today when it hand-delivers the latest iteration of its business enterprise architecture and enterprise transition plan to several congressional Defense committees.<@SM>


OMB fleshes out agency financial management road map

The Office of Management and Budget will release a migration guidance document for public comment at the end of this month.<@SM>


Data shows savings from LOB initiative

New data from the Office of Management and Budget suggests that considerable savings and efficiencies are being realized from the Lines of Business consolidation initiative.


OPM expects HR LOB migrations to accelerate this year

<font color="CC0000"><b>(UPDATED)</b></font>The Office of Personnel Management anticipates that the agencies that have moved their human resources needs to a shared service center will accelerate the shift by others to shared services.


FedTeds to become mandatory for sensitive procurement data

Eight agencies currently use the Federal Technical Data Solution system, an online temporary repository of sensitive but unclassified technical procurement data that is linked to the Web site. But soon every agency will be required to use the system, also known as FedTeds.


Va. child support call center deal goes to Tier Technologies

The Virginia Department of Social Services has tapped Tier Technologies Inc. to run an outsourced call center for child support enforcement under a deal worth as much as $27.1 million.<@SM>


Interior taps IBM for $100 million ERP job

The Interior Department has chosen IBM Corp. to take over as systems integrator on the Financial and Business Management System project designed to replace a hodgepodge of financial and administrative apps with a single enterprise resource planning tool.


Deals & Deadlines

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy is asking agencies about their use of interagency contracts, including the types and number of contracts departments are using.


Can OMB's new centers of excellence really compete?

The Office of Management and Budget's strategy for moving agencies to consolidated financial and human resources management systems is about to be put to the test.


INTERNAUT: LOB impact? You ain’t seen nothing yet

Just when federal agencies thought they were catching up with the Office of Management and Budget’s six existing Line of Business initiatives, they now have three more LOBs to consider.