
Web browsers comply with Section 508

New versions tout better accessibility, but fresh issues loom for Web sites


CYBEREYE: Help America Vote: Trust but verify

There are some good things in the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines approved by the Election Assistance Commission. But the voluntary guidelines have a glaring flaw: They are voluntary.


State, OMB unveil new Web site designs

The State Department has given its home page a makeover to deliver a news feel, while the Office of Management and Budget has launched a new Web site that details the effectiveness of government programs.


Senators question GSA on response to eOffer security problem

The Senate Government Affairs Committee is questioning the General Services Administration’s slow action in taking down its eOffer system after a vendor discovered a security flaw.<@SM>


Administration proposes three new Lines of Business for 2007

In the fiscal 2007 budget, the Bush administration said it will launch three new Lines of Business consolidation initiatives for IT infrastructure, budget formulation and geospatial investments.<@SM>


PMA fuels improved financial management: OMB

Agencies have speeded up completion of financial statements, accomplished more clean audits and strengthened internal controls, according to the Office of Management and Budget.


OMB makes new case to win Hill support for e-gov

Officials explain spending plans for 24 projects


DOD raises the bar on info assurance

New manual on security training could be a model for the rest of government


HUD's e-case system offfers framework for other services

SOA application for mortgage lenders cuts processing time by 30 percent


OFPP finalizes contracting officers' certification standards

After years of trying to get the civilian contracting workforce on the same level as at the Defense Department, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy earlier this week finalized the certification program for employees under General Schedule 1102.<@SM>


OMB to name grants service providers

Three agencies given go-ahead as others told to curtail spending on new or modernized systems<@SM>


Agencies make headway in reducing improper payments

Federal agencies cut $7.8 billion from improper payments, reducing the total of payments made in error or to the wrong persons by 17 percent last year, according to a new OMB report.<@SM><@SM>


Eight agencies earn top marks in PMA scorecard

The Environmental Protection Agency, the Housing and Urban Development Department and NASA improved to earn the coveted green score for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 2005, joining the Labor Department, the Small Business Administration and the National Finance Center, which maintained their green status from the previous quarter.<@SM><@SM>


IRS should extend e-filing goal to 2011: Oversight Board

The IRS should extend its goal to have the overwhelming majority of income tax returns filed electronically from 2007 to 2011 to extend the benefits of the momentum it has created, the IRS Oversight Board recommended today.<@SM>


Agencies' business apps modernization will be risky

Agencies must determine what applications to maintain, update or drop and make sure that whatever is implemented aligns with the department’s enterprise architecture.<@SM><@SM><@SM><@SM>


Federal XML group starts strategic markup language

The CIO Council’s XML Community of Practice has started building an extensible markup language-based schema that agencies could use to encode their strategic plans.<@SM>

People's new search engine launched

After nearly five years of defending’s search engine prowess against constant criticism, General Services Administration officials believe they have an engine that will quiet detractors.<@SM>


OMB updates core financial-system requirements

The Office of Management and Budget has updated core financial-system requirements that agencies must fulfill to meet federal guidelines to better manage their programs under the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act.<@SM>


DHS moves quickly to redirect Emerge2

Early metrics didn’t look good, so the agency will adopt shared-services model


OMB looks to orchestrate financial management

Agencies to get performance measures, guidance on how to pick providers when they’re moving to shared-services providers