
IPv6 expanding slowly, but the time for planning is now

The California IPv6 Task Force is making plans to roll out a pilot network using the new version of the Internet Protocols for state and local first responders within the coming year.


Despite the buzz, VOIP still has hurdles to overcome

Moving VOIP from test beds onto production networks requires ironing out some wrinkles in the new technology, including security, protocol selection and support for services such as 911 emergency calls.


Philly’s wireless network rolls on

Philadelphia’s first public wireless hot spot in Love Park is a year old. In another year, a wireless network will cover the entire city, said Philadelphia CIO Dianah Neff.


FBI counterpunches IT criticism

Stung by criticism of its IT projects, the FBI today denied charges from the press and congressional investigators about the management of its Virtual Case File and Sentinel projects.


Drug safety reporting system might be national health IT project

HHS secretary Mike Leavitt said a prescription drug adverse-event reporting system could be one of the first projects that a federal advisory group might take on as part of an initiative to build a national health information exchange.


WiMax moves (slowly) toward implementation

Many customers may be waiting for assurances of multivendor interoperability before investing in the new wireless equipment.


Army may change policy on IT procurements

The Army has closely followed the Air Force model for quarterly consolidated IT purchases and wants to adapt it to suit the Army culture.


HHS releases health IT network RFPs

The Health and Human Services Department released requests for proposals that will pave the way for developing a national health information network infrastructure that will support the exchange of electronic health records.


HHS to form standards, operability group to spur health IT adoption

Secretary Mike Leavitt today announced the formation of a national collaboration and four requests for proposals as the next steps to advance adoption of health IT.


HHS releases industry strategies to build health IT network

The Health and Human Services Department has released a summary of strategies that industry has agreed on to develop and implement a national health information exchange.


Texas police force looks to CompuDyne unit for public safety system

The Irving, Texas, Police Department has awarded a $1.3 million contract to a unit of CompuDyne Corp. for an integrated public safety and criminal-justice system.


HHS seeks to build a foundation for health IT network

A 4-year-old Denver child who suffers from seizures will receive better care because the doctors and hospitals treating him now have access to his electronic health records.


E-gov projects win over doubters as support blooms

Agencies are more willing than ever to take ownership of and devote resources to the Office of Management and Budget-sponsored e-government initiatives.


IT remodeling, security go hand in hand

Lisa Schlosser knows the importance of IT security.


HHS still to define next health IT steps: GAO

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT has taken steps to develop a strategy for adoption of health IT, but market institutions that would support its goals currently do not exist, said a report released today.


GAO study of RFID technology, policy seen flawed

<font color="CC0000">(UPDATED)</font> Smart-card industry executives say a new Government Accountability Office study of radio frequency identity device security omits discussion about technologies and federal policies in the arena.


GAO details challenges to e-government project funding

Errors by administration officials, congressional pushback and a lack of funds hamstrung 25 OMB-sponsored e-government initiatives in fiscal 2003 and 2004


OMB directs agencies to begin buying commodities strategically

The Office of Management and Budget this week expanded the concept of enterprise software licensing to commodities.


Agencies still not owning up to e-government projects

Some agency executives have yet to take ownership of certain projects and rely too much on OMB to make funding and administrative decisions, one critic says.


Agriculture changing data centers expertise

USDA is reconfiguring its data centers in New Orleans and in Kansas City, Mo., to take advantage of volume purchases and improve disaster recovery.