
E-gov projects to get boost from sharing PKI credentials

The sharing of authentication credentials between government and the private sector is closer to reality than ever before.


PACKET RAT: Sun’s swing toward open-source knocks the Rat for a loop

The house was full at the Reagan Federal Building auditorium for Sun Microsystems’ quarterly “Network Computing” road show—which is what happens every time someone mentions a free lunch in Washington.


OMB eyes duplicate e-gov projects sharply

The Office of Management and Budget has analyzed agency IT investments—Exhibit 53s—to determine if they use systems that duplicate any of the 25 e-government projects, the Lines of Business Consolidation or the enterprisewide software buying effort known as SmartBuy.


Two DHS IT projects enter troubled waters

The Homeland Security Department’s Emerge2 and Transportation Worker Identification Credential programs, two of its most critical management and security projects, are delayed and facing scrutiny from high level officials as well as congressional auditors.


New office will try to keep IRS project specs in line

Before the IRS’ new taxpayer database finally saw the light of day last year, it had to be cured of an extreme case of scope creep.


Navy gives Godwin additional NMCI oversight responsibilities

The Navy’s assistant secretary for research, development and acquisition has named Rear Adm. James Godwin the direct-reporting program manager for Navy-Marine Corps Intranet.


Case management projects and shared-data standard gather steam

The Justice Department and the FBI are looking to set a standard by which law enforcement officials can more easily share information and let other agencies develop similar systems based on the requirements.


USDA issues draft plan for animal IDs

The Agriculture Department has released a draft plan for tracking animal movements to speed its response to potential outbreaks such as mad-cow disease.


Energy touts IT progress, while IG focuses on flaws

The Energy Department’s IT glass is half full or half empty, depending on who’s talking.


Cyber eye: Cybersecurity report cards don’t make the grade

Congressional report cards on the government’s computer security have succeeded in focusing attention on the challenge of securing the nation’s information infrastructure.


HHS’s Havekost to co-chair CIO Council best practices committee

Charles Havekost, the Health and Human Services Department CIO, has been director for Grants Management and Policy at HHS and program manager for the e-government initiative.<@SM>


OMB looking to shut down systems that duplicate e-gov projects

The Office of Management and Budget has analyzed agency IT investments—Exhibit 53s—to determine if they use systems that duplicate any of the 25 e-government projects, the Lines of Business Consolidation or the enterprisewide software buying effort known as SmartBuy.


Agencies no longer pass on pass-the-hat funding, OMB says

The Office of Management and Budget has received commitments from 90 percent of federal agencies to implement and fund the 25 Quicksilver e-government projects.<@SM>


OMB taps Koch to fill final e-gov portfolio position

OMB has named Jeff Koch to oversee the Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness e-government portfolio.


Indian Health Service to share e-health system with NASA

The Indian Health Service will share its electronic health record and patient management system with NASA.


GovBenefits to let agencies brand own benefits pages today celebrated its third year by adding more than 600 programs from federal, state and local governments.


Share-in-savings regulations will receive one more review

Office of Federal Procurement Policy officials admit they dropped the ball in getting share-in-savings off the ground and have fumbled again in their attempts to fix it.


DHS mulls choice of passport technology, as lawmakers clash

Senior federal IT policy officials are facing a technology choice that also has set off fireworks in Congress: Should Uncle Sam accept digital photographs, as well as smart chips, as biometric identifiers in foreign passports?


As GAO watches, IRS works to patch security holes

The IRS, caught in a thicket of IT security problems, is hoping to be mostly out the woods by fall.


GovBenefits to let agencies design their own front pages

Instead of giving agencies one benefits portal, the Labor Department’s e-government project will let agencies create their own benefits Web pages and use a search filter to integrate with GovBenefits’ back-end database and rules engine.