
Feds go looking for e-customers

The new theme for federal e-government is: location, location, location. The Bush administration launches campaign to market its online services.<@SM>


E-government advances ‘only a first step’

Despite advances, disconnects remain between federal agencies and users, e-government leaders and watchers said today.<br>


States warm up to GSA’s IT schedule

Rep. Tom Davis today stumped for more IT vendors to make cooperative purchasing part of their General Services Administration IT Schedule contracts.<br>


SSA expands access to Death Master File

The Social Security Administration's Death Master File is now available online in a variety of applications, making it easier for users to verify deaths.<br>


Online Extra: Agencies uneasy about move to governmentwide financial systems

For many agencies, the gain of e-government has yet to outweigh the pain. This is especially true in the conversion to governmentwide financial systems from agencywide applications.


Enough coddling—OMB demands results from IT

After three years of holding agencies’ hands, waiting for their infrastructures to settle into place and putting up with systems chiefs’ anxieties, Bush administration officials think it’s time that federal IT deliver on the promised results. “We can get to where we want to be. It is just a question of making sure there is plenty of rigor and discipline to make sure agencies understand what their goals are,” OMB’s <b>Clay Johnson</b> says.


IRS sees IT modernization helping enforcement

“Most would agree that improvement of IRS taxpayer services was achieved in large part at the expense of needed enforcement activities,” but that's about to change, IRS commissioner Mark Everson says.


Tax filers continue to migrate online

Filing from home computers up 23 percent from the same time last year.


GAO calls for changes to GPRA law

The GAO yesterday called for lawmakers to amend the Government Performance and Results Act to require that agencies make better use of performance measures.<br>


E-Gov Act implementation picking up steam

The Office of Management and Budget by the end of the month is requiring agencies to reference on all Federal Register notices and on each agency’s Internet home page.<br>


OMB forming groups to determine JFMIP testing criteria

The Office of Management and Budget over the next six months will work with vendors and agency financial, procurement and IT experts to set the criteria for new systems to be certified by the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program.<br>


Convera makes taxonomy just for feds

Search classification company Convera Corp. has developed a new taxonomy specifically for federal e-government efforts.<br>


OMB, CIO Council will measure agencies’ e-gov success

The CIO Council and the Office of Management and Budget have agreed to the criteria that agencies must meet to achieve e-government success.<br>


What is government information?

The Electronic Records Policy Working Group wants help in defining government information, the barriers to effective management of online information and guidance tools for federal agencies.<br>


Online Extra: OMB is defining final phase for e-gov projects

Each of the Office of Management and Budget’s 25 Quicksilver e-government projects will be rolled out by the end of the summer, administration officials vow. Next: How they'll be used.<br>


OPM’s path to green paved by IT security

As the leaves turned brown last fall, Office of Personnel Management IT officials could only think about green. CIO Janet Barnes hoped OPM would become only the second agency to earn a green rating for its e-government work on the President’s Management Agenda scorecard.


OMB to demand more detailed business cases

Agencies can expect to do more work on their fiscal 2006 IT business cases than they’ve had to do in previous years. The Office of Management and Budget is considering requiring agencies to follow separate steps in filing business cases for ongoing projects and for initiatives’ development, modernization and enhancement phases. OMB also plans to change some rules for contract management and software buying.


Agriculture launches electronic customer statement

The Agriculture Department has launched its electronic Customer Statement as part of an initiative to provide more e-government services for farmers and ranchers.<br>


Gimme Shelter

Personnel at 1,400 military recruiting centers sometimes live far from the nearest Army, Navy or Air Force base. “It lets our recruiters be a part of the community where they are working,” said John Curry, leased housing program manager for the Navy Recruiting Command. But living off-base can make housing difficult to find.


USDA supports conservation planning software

The Agriculture Department has partnered with Deere & Co., of Moline, Ill., to provide agriculture management software.