
USDA site to customize services for farmers, ranchers

The Agriculture Department has redesigned its Web site to improve access to agency information. <br>


HR, financial system consolidation next on OMB's hit list

Agencies should be prepared to give up more money to governmentwide consolidation initiatives this year.<br>


E-filing’s popularity lets IRS shift resources to enforcement

The IRS is reorganizing some operations as a result of increased electronic filing by taxpayers and technology use by agency employees.<br>


IRS debuts new online help for 1040 filers

The IRS debuted 1040 Central yesterday, an online service to make finding tax information and forms easier for taxpayers.<@SM>


E-Rulemaking team studies three technical directions

By month’s end, a final architecture for the E-Rulemaking project will be set.<@SM>


Senators call for Thomas site upgrade

Six senators are calling on the Library of Congress to upgrade what it calls the "bare-bones" and inadequate Thomas portal to legislative information.


SBA simplifies small-business registration, launches verification database

The Small Business Administration is giving small businesses a single point of registration and taking over the process of declaring whether a business qualifies for its programs.


FDIC is looking for a few good data sanitizers

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is requesting information on commercial software that will sanitize data from existing sensitive databases or generate test data for application development and testing.


OPM’s Fitzgerald will leave government next month

The Office of Personnel Management’s E-Training project manager, Mike Fitzgerald, is heading to an industry job.


GSA gives agencies a year to begin moving to E-Travel

Civilian agencies must choose one of three online travel systems and begin migrating to it by Dec. 31 of next year.<br>


NSF wins honors for e-government progress

The National Science Foundation has earned the highest possible praise for management of its e-government projects.<br>


IRS removes some corporate e-file hurdles

The IRS published rules today in the Federal Register to eliminate some regulatory barriers to online business tax filing.<br>


OMB names two new e-gov portfolio managers

The Office of Management and Budget tapped Mike Turk and Shivani Desai to fill two of its three vacant e-government portfolio manager slots.<br>


Agencies get a year to set authentication needs

Agencies have until Dec. 15, 2004, to classify the authentication needs of all their major systems, using the final guidance the Office of Management and Budget released yesterday.<br>


Achieving e-filing target seems far off for the IRS

The IRS likely will miss its target of receiving 80 percent of individual taxpayers’ returns electronically by 2007, a new report estimates.<br>


Medical library, student aid sites score high in e-gov user satisfaction

A health library and the online application for federal college aid topped the latest quarterly survey of e-government customer satisfaction.<br>


IRS to pare down modernization projects

The IRS will decide by the end of December what business modernization projects to set aside so it can complete its new taxpayer database and other selected projects, the IRS CIO said.<br>


Report card: Cybersecurity efforts still falling short

A congressional report card finds improvement in cybersecurity work but some agencies continue to get low marks.<br>


HHS launches

A Health and Human Services grants portal, which lets organizations find and apply for government grants online, was officially launched today.<br>


OMB wants 2004 to be a breakthrough year for e-gov

The Office of Management and Budget wants agencies to achieve "breakthrough performance," a top administrator says.<br>