
Agencies hesitate to fund e-gov

Agencies are balking at contributing funds to the 25 Quicksilver projects, forcing many of the e-government efforts to fall behind schedule.


IRS’ Reece returning to private sector

John Reece, the IRS’ CIO and deputy commissioner for modernization, is leaving the government to resume his private consulting business.<br>


Library aims to ‘capture the human record’

With digital content doubling in volume each year, the Library of Congress is figuring out how to save it all in a national digital information infrastructure.<br>


Congress likes e-gov idea but not the cost

Congress made it clear that it supports e-government—in theory—when it authorized $45 million for the E-Government Fund in fiscal 2003. But when it came time to put up or shut up, lawmakers were mostly silent, appropriating just $5 million this year.


DOD cites progress on agenda items

The Defense Department has improved its scorecard rating in two of five initiatives laid out in the President’s Management Agenda


GoLearn gets fee-for-service courses

The Office of Personnel Management last month introduced a fee-for-service component to the government’s online learning portal, at <a href= ""></a>.


Illinois becomes first in line to join the Federal Bridge

Illinois is preparing to become the first state to join the Federal Bridge Certification Authority and make its digital certificates interoperable with those of four federal agencies.<br>


OMB reads business cases for next wave of e-gov

The Office of Management and Budget is lining up support from the top for its next wave of e-government projects. Officials said they will brief the President’s Management Council with plans to address six areas of redundancy. <br>


Labor launches E-Gov plan

The Labor Department's strategic plan for electronic government, released yesterday, links with the administration’s management agenda and chiefly includes existing electronic government initiatives or IT management steps required by law.<br>


Agency projects receive top Excellence.Gov awards

Five agency e-government projects yesterday received best-in-show recognition out of 25 finalists for the Excellence.Gov awards sponsored by the CIO Council, the Industry Advisory Council and E-Gov at the Web-Enabled Conference in Washington. <br>


Congress allocates $5 million for e-gov fund

The administration’s e-government fund felt the pinch of the budget crunch last night as Congress allocated only $5 million for the account in the final agreement on the fiscal 2003 civilian budget.<br>


E-Authentication gateway draws interest outside of e-gov projects

While the E-Authentication project, considered a cog in the e-government wheel, is having trouble getting funds from partner agencies, IT leaders outside of the 24 Quicksilver projects are clamoring to use the gateway.


OMB breaks down e-gov projects using enterprise models

OMB's Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office is running some of the 25 e-government initiatives through two of the latest architecture reference models.<br>


E-gov projects to get 24 percent less funding in 2004

The Office of Management and Budget carried through on its drive to consolidate IT investments among the 25 e-government projects.<br>


E-Clearance success will let OPM clear Defense personnel

OPM will announce Friday it has completed the link between its Security/Sustainability Investigations Index and the Defense Department’s Joint Personnel Adjudication System to make personnel data more easily accessible.<br>


E-gov skills start with cooperation

When Jim Van Wert saw the opportunity to work on an e-government project, he jumped at it. As the Small Business Administration’s acting ombudsman, he represented the agency during the Office of Management and Budget’s development of the Quicksilver program. And when SBA and OMB sought a project leader for the Business Compliance One-Stop initiative, Van Wert couldn’t resist.


<b>WEB EXTRA:</b> Mission Control -- Individuals aren’t the only users of government services

Important performance improvement imperatives are now linked to the federal budget process.<br>


Financial systems on the fast, and costly, track

At least four departments are plunging ahead with plans to overhaul financial systems so they are compliant with the most recent regulations, even though project leaders have no assurance of adequate funding.<br><@SM>


Progress on e-government moves slowly

Education and Veterans Affairs had the biggest jumps in their overall progress on e-government efforts in the latest OMB scorecard. And no agency dropped a grade.<br>


Bush touts center to support data sharing, analysis

In his State of the Union address, President Bush said he is instructing the CIA, FBI, Defense Department and Homeland Security Department to develop a Terrorist Threat Integration Center to merge and analyze all threat information.<br>