
Risky business

As director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Frank Fernandez would rather see someone try and fail than never try at all.


DOD expanding biometrics rules

The Pentagon is considering a new policy that would require all biometrics products to be evaluated using the Common Criteria Scheme


DOD moves on mobile code

The Pentagon CIO approves a policy governing the military's use of mobile code, which can be used for cyberattacks


DOD database to battle cybercrime

The Defense Department is on the verge of completing a common database to aid the defense and intelligence communities in battling cybercrime, said the new commander of the Pentagon's Joint Task Force for Computer Network Defense.


DOD plans big IT grid

The Global Information Grid is just a concept now, but by 2006 it likely will grow into one of the Defense Department's biggest programs, according to a study by the Government Electronics and Information Technology Association.


Building a global web

Pentagon officials hope the Smart Sensor Web, like the World Wide Web, will serve the international community because so many conflicts and peacekeeping efforts have a distinct international flavor.


Data on demand

The Pentagon is collaborating with five countries on the Smart Sensor Web project, a sweeping effort to weave together the most extensive sensor program across the Defense Department into one World Wide Weblike battlefield system.





Military on NMCI watch

Although the Navy Marine Corps Intranet is being touted as an example for the entire Defense Department, some highranking officials are waiting to see how the Navy manages such a huge project.


DOD database to fight cybercrime

The Defense Department is on the verge of completing a common database to aid the defense and intelligence communities in battling cybercrime


Pentagon plots massive IT grid

The Global Information Grid may be only a concept now, but by 2006 it likely will grow into one of the Defense Department's biggest programs


Army's IT steps ahead in measures

The Army has made real progress over the past year, transforming into a lighter, leaner, more lethal force, but the information technology piece of that transformation may be more evolutionary than revolutionary, according to service leaders.


Transformation defined

Gen. Eric Shinseki, Army chief of staff, announced a year ago that the service would transform itself into a lighter, more mobile and more deadly force capable of responding to any crisis within 96 hours.


Cyberwar ops may unify

Minutes after U.S. Space Command officials announced they were considering a unified subcommand to take charge of computer network operations, some critics questioned the strategy.





Military not ready to jump on board NMCI

Although NMCI has been touted as an example for the all of DOD, some highranking officials are taking a waitandsee approach


Spacecom handling cyberattack, defense

Space Command is considering whether to form a unified subcommand to take charge of computer network defense and attack missions


DOD prepping portal for info sharing

The new portal is meant to help the department's CIOs share information and improve interoperability among DOD's computer systems


Site trains soldiers on battlefield IDs

An Army scientist is seeking funding to expand an Internet site that trains soldiers to recognize the infrared signatures of combat vehicles used by potential adversaries


Maverick joins Army for network security

The Army will use a new product from General Dynamics for testing network vulnerabilities and for training soldiers to respond to cyberattacks