
DOD, administration push central vendor database

The Defense Department and the Clinton administration are encouraging other agencies to use a detailed contractor database developed by DOD to help them conduct business electronically.


CCR benefits

CCR benefits


Yahoo enlisted for recruiting help

The Internet portal Yahoo has volunteered for service with the Defense Department, launching a contest featuring military jobs as fantasy careers


Air Force seeks greater 'reachback'

Strategy, systems helped support Kosovo operations, but greater investments are needed, Air Force chief says


Nuke sensors to get upgrade

SAIC wins contract to modernize the global network of sensors used to detect nuclear testing anywhere in the world


DOD rewrite speeds IT to field

New Pentagon regulation focuses on evolutionary technology approaches


DOD eyes problem systems

The military has targeted 19 command and control systems that create most of the problems for the regional commanders in chief.


Army makes customers king

In this increasingly connected and competitive economy, where alternative suppliers for products and services are often just a mouse click away, customer service has become a priority at most organizations even the Army.


Military targets problem systems

The military has targeted 19 command and control systems that create most of the problems for the regional commanders in chief


Making the customer's case

The Army's new customer management system is expected to help personnel get quicker service and better answers from the Military Traffic Management Command.


DOD software stretched too far?

A study on software problems plaguing major weapons systems could result in the Pentagon investing more money in computer research and development


Military salutes online auctions

Following recent Pentagon approval of online auctions for procuring supplies and equipment, the military services are rapidly adopting the new way of doing business.


Contractors vie for Future Combat

Program considered integral to Army's plans to become lighter and more lethal

Digital Government

Security sentries late on Love alert

When agencies battled the 'Melissa' virus in March 1999, systems administrators attributed the government's success to coordinated, timely alerts and good planning. But when the 'ILOVEYOU' virus came to town last week, the federal response was anything but coordinated, agencies said.

Digital Government

LOVE hurts

When agencies battled the 'Melissa' virus in March 1999, systems administrators attributed the government's success to coordinated, timely alerts and good planning. But when the 'ILOVEYOU' virus came to town last week, the federal response was anything but coordinated, agencies said.


Air Force: NMCI won't work for us

The Air Force won't do any major outsourcing projects similar to the Navy Marine Corps Intranet


Army passing on Notes

The Army is preparing to announce that it will use Microsoft messaging software rather than Lotus Notes to pass tactical messages with the Army Battle Command System


Air Force to announce portal

Initiative will integrate more than 28,000 information systems and help service members cut through red tape to get the information they need to do their jobs