Digital Government

App Glitches Cost Agencies Millions of Dollars in Lost Productivity

From email to enterprise-resource planning systems, applications are often critical to keeping agency operations running along.

Emerging Tech

VA Wants Your Help Building Better Prosthetics

The aim of the project is to build a suite of special prosthetics and other state-of-the-art technologies to support wounded veterans in their day-to-day lives.

Digital Government

Congressman Wants Federal Buildings Outfitted with Bird-Friendly Features

The Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act aims to reduce the number of birth deaths resulting from birds flying into federal buildings.

Emerging Tech

Want to Build a NASA Rocket? Agency Goes Public with Source Code

This week, NASA released over 1,000 of its program tools to the public in an effort to boost technology transfer.

Digital Government

12 Ways for Congress to Step Up US Data Innovation

A new 12-step legislative program for Congress aims to improve the country's data innovation.

Emerging Tech

NASA Has Big Plans for the Next 20 Years -- But Can Its Budget Keep Up?

On Monday, NASA released its draft 2015 Technology Roadmaps to showcase its plans for technological innovation over the next two decades.

Digital Government

Technology Popular Theme in Agency Competitions

Agencies held twice as many contests and challenges in 2014 as they did in 2012, and the number of prizes also rose over those two years.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Prod Agencies to Retool Energy-Guzzling Data Centers

The Energy Efficiency Government Technology Act would require federal data centers to run on more energy-efficient technologies.

Digital Government

Lessons Learned from Australia's Chief Technology Officer

Australian government’s chief technology officer, John Sheridan, is a big proponent of taking small steps to achieve large, federal IT service goals.

Digital Government

Do We Need to Add an 'A' to STEM?

The House's education and the workforce committee want art and design included with science, technology, engineering and math.

Emerging Tech

Why People Who Put ‘Data Scientist’ on Their LinkedIn Profiles Earn More Money

As the White House’s first chief data scientist, DJ Patil explains the growing importance of his field during his speech at the National Science Foundation.


Got Ideas About Cyber R&D Strategy? You Can Weigh in Now

The National Science Foundation is teaming with the private sector to develop a federal cybersecurity research and development strategic plan.

Digital Government

Trio of DC's Top Female Coders Hail from Federal Innovation Shop

Thirty women were selected based on the impact their programming work has had on their organization and the community, as well as the level of complexity in their code.

Digital Government

Survey: Most Americans Just Not That Into Uncle Sam's Digital Services

Less than half of people polled would like the federal government to focus its energy on creating more digital services, according to a new study.

Digital Government

GSA to Host Data-Infused Hackathon

Participants will be tasked with designing innovative tools to improve data collection at GSA and other agencies.

Emerging Tech

Lawmakers Want a Few Good Hackers to Help Bring Congress into the 21st Century

Next week, Hack4Congress will bring together a wide array of participants to help solve challenges that could make Congress function more efficiently.


Feds Say Encrypting Data is Key but Don't Want to Pony up the Cash

More than 75 percent of federal IT workers polled could not say with complete certainty their network data is safe, according to a recent survey.


Here Are the Agency Websites Google Doesn’t Think are Mobile Friendly

Bad news for some dot-govs: Google will now rank websites based on their mobile friendliness.

Digital Government

FCC Website Gets a Refresh

A prototype of the site went live after months of research and focus groups.