Digital Government

Federal IT Overhaul Included in Defense Bill, Headed for Vote

The House is expected to vote on the annual defense policy bill as early as this week.


Here’s Why Cybersecurity Remains a Challenge for the Justice Department

DOJ has requested millions more in funding and staffed up new divisions to specifically handle cyber investigations.

Digital Government

VA’s Aggressive Plan for Shedding Its 'Back-to-the-Future' Era Scheduling System

VA is now taking bids for commercial software to replace a clunky 1980s-era system for scheduling medical appointments.

Digital Government

Government Tech Recruiting Still Overshadowed by Blunder

Democrats are concerned Todd Park’s recent grilling could hurt his efforts to recruit top tech talent.

Cybersecurity Security Back in the Spotlight

House Republicans say they remain concerned about the cybersecurity controls underpinning the online federal health exchange.


Report: Government Has Only 5 Years To Secure Internet of Things

Water, power, health care and transportation systems have grown more dependent on IoT devices in recent years.


Postal Service Says Cyber Official Retiring

Chuck McGann was a key player in the Postal Service's response to the recent cyber intrusion.

Digital Government

Before Buying New Scheduling System, VA Plans to Kick the Tires

VA is putting the finishing touches on its proposed shopping list for buying updated scheduling software.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Hopeful FITARA Finish Line In Sight

Architects of the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act are hopeful the legislation will be wrapped up in the National Defense Authorization Act.

Digital Government

Risky Business at IRS When It Comes to IT Security, IG Finds

Risk-based decision-making describes the tradeoffs an agency makes -- or doesn’t make -- when confronted with a potential cyber vulnerability.

Digital Government

Telework on Trial? House Committees to Probe Patent Office Telework Fraud

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the House Judiciary Committee team up for a joint hearing next week.

Digital Government

Why Veterans Make Good Cyberwarriors

Putting returning warfighters back to work as cyberdefenders makes sense, advocates say.

Emerging Tech

In Case of Emergency, the UN Wants You to Tweet This

A new U.N. report aims to set out best practices for using hashtags during emergencies.


BlackBerry Says It’s Staging a Comeback - But Nobody Told the Feds

The company has installed a new leadership team, slashed operating expenses by $2 billion and is still making “awesome” devices, new COO says.

Digital Government

In Off-the-Grid West Africa, How Can Tech Fight Ebola?

For now, a big piece of USAID’s efforts lie in improving the technology doctors and nurses use when treating patients with Ebola.

Digital Government

Does Anybody Really Know How Many Cyber Professionals the Government Needs?

Quantifying the precise cyber talent gap remains an inexact science. Can a single federal cyber jobs database help?

Emerging Tech

Geospatial Agency Goes Unclassified for Ebola Effort

The online Ebola tools the agency is offering NGOs provide much more dynamic capabilities than those previously deployed by the agency.