
White House Issues Governmentwide Cyber Action Plan

The new guidance aims to protect the most high-value information assets the federal government holds.

Digital Government

Should VA Scrap VistA? CIO Evaluates Future of Home-Grown Health Records System

The assessment comes amid ongoing concerns about the multiple, failed attempts to develop interoperable electronic health records between VA and DOD.

Digital Government

Pentagon and VA ‘Still Years Away’ from Fully Interoperable Electronic Health Records

The Pentagon and the Department of Veterans Affairs are on track to to blow past a congressionally mandated end-of-2016-deadline to fully deploy modernized EHR software.


Why Millennials Aren’t the Answer to Government’s Cyber Shortage Just Yet

Nearly 80 percent of millennials said they’ve never spoken to a practicing cybersecurity professional.


New Federal Action Plan for Cybersecurity ‘Days Away’ From Being Released

The plan will include steps agencies should take to recruit a qualified cyber workforce and acquire emerging technology.

Digital Government

OMB Unveils Major Rewrite of Federal IT Policy

The new policy lays out guidance for managing IT investments, improving information security practices and streamlining the process for acquiring new technology.

Digital Government

Federal CIO Wants New Policy for Refreshing Aging Federal IT Systems

A “core, fundamental problem” in the federal government is the way agencies plan for and budget major IT projects, Tony Scott said.

Digital Government

OMB Tells Agencies: No New Contracts for Desktops, Laptops

There is no need for thousands of contracts to purchase common laptops and desktops, officials say.

Digital Government

New VA CIO Issues Cyber Strategy, Wants to Tackle ‘Quick Wins’

LaVerne Council said the agency submitted an enterprise cybersecurity strategy to Congress on Sept. 28, ahead of schedule.

Digital Government

What’s Next for Digital Government? Look Beyond ‘Silicon Valley Superheroes’

The next phase of the strategy to inculcate innovative digital practices in the halls of government might be to focus on the smartest people already in the room.


Government’s Cyber Education Programs Need Reboot

The government should encourage more hands-on education and incident-based testing at the colleges and universities that help fill the pipeline of cyber talent.

Digital Government

Why Are Federal IT Workers So Miserable?

Federal techies report being overworked, undertrained and eyeing the exits.


Congressman: OPM Hack Data Being Used to Attempt Identity Theft

Rep. Gerry Connolly’s assessment is at odds with what leaders of the intelligence community and OPM have said.


House Committee Mandates New DHS Cyber Strategy

The legislation comes two weeks after a watchdog report on the lack of coordination in the Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity efforts.


Who’s Really in Charge of Federal Cybersecurity and Is It Time for a White House CISO?

High-profile cyber incidents haven’t led to a grand rethink of the government’s cyber org chart.


‘Inconsistent’ Scores Mar Annual Cyber Report Card, GAO Says

IG inspections of agencies’ cybersecurity practices may not tell the whole story.


OPM Says 5 Times More Federal Employees Had Fingerprint Data Stolen in Hack Than First Believed

The number of federal personnel whose fingerprint data was stolen in the hack has increased from approximately 1.1 million people to 5.6 million.


If You Fall for a Phishing Scam, Should You Lose Your Security Clearance?

CISOs are concerned about how frequently even senior-level federal employees fall for the bogus emails.