Digital Government

Desktop security eases into place

Many agencies are well on their way toward meeting federal policy for Windows software.


DHS to modify info-sharing network

Officials want to merge 100 Web portals.


GSA looking for software as a service for

The agency has issued two requests for proposals for Web analytics and online collaboration tools.


DHS preparing HSIN's 'next generation'

The department will consolidate its sensitive but unclassified networks to improve information sharing.


Goodbye anonymity. Hello ID superiority.

Government-issued personal identity verification cards are a form of identity proofing superior to anything available in the past, security experts say.


OMB sets guidelines for fed high fliers

A new memo from the agency will "rein in some of the lavish lifestyles government officials have come to enjoy," Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) said.


Young touts e-gov successes

Recent progress on E-Rulemaking and E-Travel show how far agencies have progressed in six years, says OMB's deputy administrator for e-government.


It's all about services, not systems, Evans says

OMB's Karen Evans and the CIO Council want to change the conversation when it comes to how programs develop.


OMB names Paul as chief architect

Kshemendra Paul has been the acting architect since October and now is permanent.


Agencies not yet sold on software as a service

Security and funding concerns biggest roadblocks to moving to new model, officials say.


GSA, DHS issue RFI for Trusted Internet Connections

The request was issued only to the five Networx contract vendors.


GSA adds IBM to line of business schedule

The human resources line of business initiative is on hold until OMB submits a report to Congress.


DHS promotes Essig to chief procurement officer

Tom Essig, who had been deputy chief procurement officer since he joined the department in May 2006, replaces Elaine Duke as agency acquisition czar.


OMB sets guidelines for first-, business-class travel

The new internal controls come after GAO found waste at several agencies.

Digital Government

OMB goes paperless for 2009 budget request

In an effort to "go green," the White House will issue the 2,000-page document only online.


Small business protests GPO's smart-card printing contract

The owner of Evans Security Solutions says the Government Printing Office did not evaluate proposals properly.

Digital Government

White House to blog about Middle East trip

Senior officials will discuss President Bush's visit to six countries in the administration's first blog.


Reps. Davis, Turner press for hearing on alleged Census troubles

Senior Republicans request House Oversight and Government Committee Democratic leaders to address reported issues with handheld program.


DISA revisits Encore II contract

The agency will take another look at vendor proposals for a place on the $12.2 billion contract.


2008 Watch List: Completing the picture

Bush administration officials vow to advance the President’s Management Agenda while there is still time