
GSA awards $0 contract for spending database data

Global Computing Enterprises, which runs the Federal Procurement Data System, received the contract to supply contracting and grants data with a bid of $0.


GSA picks Symplicity -- again -- to redo

The contract has been hung up in protests for more than three years.


DHS signs on to create threat assessment coordination group

Lawmakers hope the group will improve how federal, state and local officials create and share intelligence.


OMB mandates the use of foreign-trade system

New requirement is related to the regulation of imported goods under the Safe Ports Act of 2006.


DIA to consolidate intell support

New award would reduce number of vendors so the agency can streamline its oversight


OPM: Calling all SES hopefuls

Agency seeks to expand feds’ enrollment in executive leadership training program


DISA sees managed services as the future

Agency CIO John Garing wants to expand DISA's use of this approach to software.


GSA tones down request for federal spending database

The agency modified the RFP to ask only for analyzed data, not technical services.


Agencies still struggle to manage IT

Senators press OMB officials to reverse repeated history of IT project failures


Feds offered data-sharing tool for anti-terrorism efforts

Agencies can use the architecture to support their information-sharing missions.


Lawmakers want OMB to address core problems with IT projects

Research by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee finds that 20 percent of all federal IT projects need to be rebaselined.


DOD tests vulnerability management tools

The Security Content Automation Protocol will help the military understand and fix potential cybersecurity problems.


ISE to focus on common IT security framework for intell

In a report to Congress outlining its goals for 2008, the Information Sharing Environment lists 2007 successes including developing an information assurance model and framework.


DIA issues RFP for intell analysis support

The five-year contract with a ceiling of $1 billion would give the Defense Intelligence Agency analysis assistance in 29 areas.


Competition for HR services could heat up in fiscal 2008

The Office of Personnel Management and General Services Administration will award vendors a place on the Federal Supply schedule for human resources services by the end of the calendar year, and companies will begin competing to provide HR services to agencies shortly after that.


Justice IG finds inconsistencies in EVM data on Sentinel project

The Justice Department inspector general's third audit of Sentinel, the FBI's $305 million case management system, found progress in a number of management areas. But the IG also expressed concern about the program's cost, schedule and performance metrics. The IG said the FBI's implementation of earned value management is not providing consistent data. Sentinel contractor Lockheed Martin's price increased by $4.4 million, even though the EVM data showed the project was within budget, the IG said. The…


FBI tries to repeat program success

Officials say new IT handbook will help program managers follow best practices


Agencies need to improve service-level agreements

Experts say too many times the agreements are unclear and cause disputes.


OFPP details how to bring retired acquisition workers back

Administration wants plans on how agencies will implement the General Services Administration Modernization Act provision by next month.


VA to award contract for HSPD-12 deployment

The Veterans Affairs Department and other agencies focused on 2007 and 2008 October deadlines.