Digital Government

DHS awards contract for new X-ray machines in federal buildings

New systems provide software features that display sharper images and allow security officers to highlight materials such as chemical substances.


Disaster, RFK Style

Tomorrow RFK Stadium in Washington will be home to a 75-person team, 28 semi-tractor trailers, two emergency communications vehicles, four hazmat trailers, one mobile cell site and five smaller utility and support trailers.


Where to put intel's info sharing?

Congress hopes to pass a bill that would elevate the head of the intelligence community's information sharing efforts to the White House, but President Obama already indicated he'd reject the measure.

Digital Government

Agencies' Web applications fail to provide meaningful services

Report recommends making line-of-business executives accountable for users adopting services and costs of online tools.


Google Apps Go Legit

It's official: Google has gone legitimate. The software company's email and online calendaring, instant messaging and word processing applications officially shed their "beta" label this week.

Digital Government

Cyberattacks on federal Web sites may be smokescreen

Denial-of-service attacks against can create noise that distracts network administrators so hackers can successfully infiltrate more sensitive computer systems and applications.

Digital Government

Social Security numbers fall out of favor as personal identifiers

Research institute finds the nine-digit codes are easy to crack with a combination of personal information and computer software.

Digital Government

DHS launches multifrequency-radio pilot program for first responders

Cost will be the biggest obstacle to widespread adoption, said director of emergency response group.


Guarding Networks



Former Cyber Chief Takes to the Stage

Ever wonder what federal officials do once they retire from government? In the case of Greg Garcia, the DHS cyber chief appointed by Bush, he takes to the stage.


Feds must get serious about checking commercial software for threats

As agencies migrate from writing their own applications in favor of commercial packages, they increase their exposure to viruses and other malware.


White House working on plan to respond to a national cyberattack

Administration will seek feedback from state and local governments and business groups, and create a wiki that will allow collaboration on developing a framework.


Reform bill is just the start of improving information security

Standards to guide agencies on how to follow security processes and vendors on what requirements to include in products also are needed.

Digital Government

NIST releases guidance to unify Defense, civilian security controls

Analysis showed most DoD, intelligence and civilian agencies' security controls were similar, making it possible to build a common governmentwide approach.


Has Hathaway's Star Fallen?

A lot of names are being floated around as possible picks for the position of cyber czar, and interestingly enough, none seem to be Melissa Hathaway.

Digital Government

IRS mismanaged funds for major computer application

Project management team charged expenses to future work on the project when funds ran low for current development, inspector general reports.


DHS launches second test of biometric exit processes

Officials are determining whether Customs and Border agents or airport screeners are better positioned to collect information from visitors leaving the country.


Cybersecurity tops priorities for DHS' research and development arm

Sizable budget increase would fund 'leap-ahead technologies,' acting chief says.


Cell phones, other wireless devices next big cybersecurity targets

Mobile computing products are the source of a "coming tsunami of insecurity" as hackers develop ways to exploit the airwaves and their applications, security expert says.


Looking for Leap-Ahead Tech

The Homeland Security Department's Directorate for Science & Technology, which is the primary research and development arm of the Homeland Security Department, requested an increase of $5.4 million for cybersecurity in President Obama's fiscal 2010 budget.