
Cybersecurity budget request is smaller, but adequate, says DHS official

Overall decrease is 4 percent, but budget funds programs aimed at improving prevention and response to cyberattacks.


Delays prompt White House to propose deep cut in secure border initiative

Homeland Security proposes 28 percent decrease, enough to complete the project's first phase and require progress reports to be filed before spending large amounts.


Report: Critical infrastructure is a frequent target for cyberattacks

Global security and IT executives point to the United States as a model of computer security, but say it also is among the most vulnerable to intrusions.


Web Site Advocates Open Source

Open source software vendor Red Hat launched a Web site on Monday to "explore what happens when the open source way is applied to the world" through five channels: business, education, government, law and life.

Digital Government

Public satisfaction with federal Web sites increased in 2009

Obama administration should use positive feedback to determine effectiveness of transparency efforts, says research group.


GSA Launches IT blog

Following in the footsteps of many other federal agencies, including the <a href=>Homeland Security Department</a>, <a href=>Health and Human Services</a>, and <a href=>the Army</a>, the General Services Administration launched a blog on Friday that will focus on trends in information technology procurement.


NIST releases update to smart grid standards

Framework will include options for incorporating legacy technology already in use.

Digital Government

Defense more likely than civilian agencies to use social networking tools

Department employees rely on the collaborative tools to communicate internally, but are less likely to use them to reach out to the public, a survey found.

Digital Government

More cyberattacks likely from group that took down Chinese search engine

The hack could be a peek at an ongoing cyberwar in which terrorists and governments find network weaknesses and gauge reaction to build cyberattack playbooks, says a security professional.


Federal IT spending to increase almost 4 percent in fiscal 2010

Agencies will spend more on transparency initiatives and social networking, research firm predicts.

Digital Government

IT improvements big part of Obama's call for better security

More technologies to screen passengers, better management of terrorist databases and integrated networks to encourage sharing of information among president's order.


Spy Handbook for Kids

Most have probably heard of classics like <i>Charlotte's Web</i>, <i>James and the Giant Peach</i> and the whole Judy Blume library, but how about a children's how-to book on becoming a spy?


Critical Calls

Getting first responders on the same wavelength requires common standards.


Energy set to form new group to protect electric grid from cyberattacks

Department will have to wield strong regulatory and budgetary powers to force the changes needed to successfully secure networks from hackers, security specialists say.


Web application gives air travelers chance to rate airport security procedures

The Transportation Security Administration, which has not endorsed the real-time survey, has not responded to an offer to receive the polling results.

Digital Government

Obama orders review of screening technology, watch list system

In the wake of an attempted in-air terrorist attack on Christmas Day, the president ordered the Homeland Security Department on Tuesday to lead a review of aviation screening technology and report results to the White House by Thursday.


TSA: Overly Reliant on Technology?

Anyone who has watched the news during the past few days has heard extensive commentary about how a terrorist managed to board a plane with explosives on Christmas Day. Some blame inefficient management of the watch lists, others blame lax security procedures. But one commentator who spoke during a local NBC affiliate broadcast gave the most backwards rationale of all: over reliance on technology.


Howard Schmidt: What They Say

Last night, the White House <a href=>officially confirmed</a> that Howard Schmidt, the former cyber adviser in the Bush administration, would be appointed to the much anticipated position of cyber coordinator. Since then, the comments have been flowing in. Below is just a taste of how the cybersecurity community is reacting to the pick.


Obama set to name cyber coordinator

White House confirms appointment of ex-Bush administration official Howard Schmidt, assures "regular access to the president."


Commerce Department gets funds to combat cyber espionage

Initiative aimed at preventing efforts to steal data about illicit trafficking of weapons of mass destruction