
A Tool That Can Keep Federal Data Centers Safe Amid Cloud Chaos

To help secure clouds, agencies need to visibility into nebulous infrastructures.


Deception: An Underrated Tool in the Fight Against Cyberattacks

As a tool, deception has a long history in warfare. In nature, deception has been in play even longer.


Spoofing a Government Website is Easier Than You Think

A new breed of attacker is impersonating government websites and official apps in order to steal credentials from real feds.

Artificial Intelligence

How Games Advance Emerging Tech

Strategy games have long been a proving ground for artificial intelligence, but what could driverless cars learn from a hyper-violent video game?


Cybersecurity So Bad, It Makes You WannaCry

There are many interesting elements about the ransomware attack, the biggest being the tools to stop it were readily available.

Emerging Tech

How Removing Drivers from Trucks Leads to Flying Cars

If we can figure out self-driving vehicles on the ground, the next step might be taking to the skies.


Why Feds Should Be Happy with Windows 10 Deployments

Having advanced defenses available for government as part of its operating system deployment is a huge advantage.


Some Alleged CIA Hacking Tools—Like Apps That Turn Smart TVs into Spies—Do Exist

A more unsettling issue may be why the CIA couldn’t protect its own data in the first place.


Could Segmentation Restore the Federal Cybersecurity Perimeter?

Using segmentation requires thinking about cybersecurity in a way almost completely opposite of tradition.


Why Don’t We See More Automation in Federal Networks?

Automation would cut the time from detection of cyberattacks to remediation from months to seconds.


Why Relying on Cellphones is a Terrible Idea in a Crisis

First responders don’t have magic cellphones that work during emergencies. Neither do homeland security or other federal agents.


The Concerns with the Millennial Takeover of Government

While this generation is familiar with technology, it often takes security for granted, a new study finds.

Emerging Tech

Government and Technology Predictions for the New Year

Between the election, the internet of things attack, vehicle hacking, the takeoff of drones and billions of compromised emails, you almost couldn’t get away from the next big story.


How the Government Makes It Easier to Share Cybersecurity Data

To make the cybersecurity game competitive again, cyber defenders need to let everyone know what they are being hit with, what techniques the attackers are using and what they are doing to mitigate those attacks.