Artificial Intelligence

Expert Analysis of Dangerous Artificial Intelligences in Government

The “real risks” of AI come from a lack of governance and risk understanding, according to Navrina Singh, CEO of Credo AI and a member of the Department of Commerce’s National AI Advisory Committee.


Can Service Meshes Help Bring Legacy Government Applications into Zero Trust?

The Biden administration’s imperative to move to zero trust could prove challenging for agencies with still-functional legacy systems.

Artificial Intelligence

Vote Now for the Future of Robotics

The European Union's Robotics4EU initiative aims to give the public a voice on how comfortable they are with certain types of robots and artificial intelligence.


The World Gets Ready to Change the Fundamentals of Measurement, Again

The organization in charge of measurement standards is considering a change to one of the most basic forms of measurement.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Continues to Evolve in Government and Elsewhere

AI that started out simply tackling robotic process automation-type tasks is slowly evolving to take on more traditionally human and creative duties.


Government Electric Vehicle Efforts Requires New Charging Infrastructure

Plans are being made for a national electric vehicle charging infrastructure, but for now, state and local governments are moving forward on their own.

Artificial Intelligence

New Research Points to Hidden Vulnerabilities Within Machine Learning Systems

Agencies need to provide extra attention and security for machine learning and artificial intelligence-based systems, beyond the normal level of cybersecurity protection.

Emerging Tech

New Quantum Hardware Could Allow Computers to Process Information More Naturally

Current quantum computers are stuck using binary processes designed for traditional computers.

Emerging Tech

Heavy Metal on the High Seas

The Navy is deploying a shipboard metal-producing 3D printer to test during RIMPAC exercises.


Federal Government Gets Serious About Post-Quantum Encryption Protection

A Phase III PQE contractor talks about getting federal quantum protection deployed quickly. 


Mars is Getting an Unreal New Simulation for NASA Training

A new gaming engine also has the potential to revolutionize how astronauts prepare for Mars missions.


Phishing Threats Attempt to Hook New Government Victims

While the government is focused on the dangers of ransomware, phishing campaigns can circumvent the usual protections placed on its networks.


Interesting Federal Social Media Accounts You May Not Know About

Federal agencies have come a long way from the bureaucratic rules that often hampered effective social media use.

Emerging Tech

Artemis Will Soon Take Flight

The project’s launch marks the first step in what could be a new era of true space travel.

Emerging Tech

Hidden Security Considerations When Moving to 5G

The newest generation of wireless technology comes with several transformative advantages, as well as some pitfalls.


The Ukrainian War Could Usher in Quantum Arms Race

Just as nuclear weapons remain a threat in the physical space, quantum-powered capabilities could become a threat in cyberspace.