Digital Government

Droid does it better

The new Verizon Wireless Droid by Motorola is a phone that could really change the industry, and the way the federal government does its job.

Digital Government

Windows 7 and netbooks: A bad mix

The Lab tests Windows 7 on streamlined notebook computers, only to find that the new OS reduced performance benchmarks substantially.


Windows 7: Real advance or just Vista-plus?

New Microsoft OS offers a few improvements over Vista, but not many. And it does not fix many of Vista's annoyances, our review finds.

Digital Government

Deja Vista: That's the impression that we got about Windows 7

With the release of Windows 7 yesterday, GCN Lab Director John Breeden responds to reader comments about his review of Microsoft's next-generation operating system.

Digital Government

Windows 7 review: 'New' OS is just Vista with small changes

Microsoft's Windows 7 has been touted as a new, better-running operating system. But despite the addition of a few handy features, the GCN Lab finds that it looks just like the Vista OS, has a lot of the same annoying quirks as Vista and delivers no difference in performance from Vista.


Google Wave: Suitable for government?

Google Wave could enhance collaboration for agencies and other large organizations.