Digital Government

Alaska: Web puts kibosh on print

Governor proposes that official notices be posted exclusively online

Digital Government

State of the States: IT taking bigger role in classrooms

Nationwide efforts to bring schools into the Information Age are gaining momentum, with governors pledging to bring computers to more classrooms this year and to ensure that students and teachers know how to use them.

Digital Government

State of the States: E-Gov takes center stage

Information technology took its place along side such political staples as crime

Digital Government

Puerto Rico Web Site Clears Paperwork Hurdle

Puerto Rico's government World Wide Web site is up and running again, after a dispute with the State Election Commission shut down the site for the first three weeks of the year.

Digital Government

Georgia Passes Hat to GIS Users

Turned away by the state legislature, Georgia is asking public and private organizations in the state to help fund a project to convert high-resolution aerial photographs into all-purpose geographic images.


Iowa City Steps Up Web Strategy

After several years of taking part in a regional World Wide Web initiative, Iowa City, Iowa, this week will debut its own Web site.


Coming to a PC Near You: Florida Town Meetings

Florida held its first 'Cyber Town Meeting' last month, using the World Wide Web to broadcast presentations by Gov. Jeb Bush and other state officials about the impact of information technology on the state.

Digital Government

Telecom Firms Seed Broad Va. Market

MCI WorldCom and Sprint say they view VirginiaLink as an extension of their existing business with Virginia and that that relationship spurred them to participate. But they also say the program eventually could be a good commercial investment.


Alaska Plans Statewide Telecom Program

Alaska, which spends more than $26 million annually on telecommunications products and services, plans to replace a hodgepodge of contracts with a single statewide telecom program.


Small Town Goes High Tech

As technology evolves and people's expectations change, state and local government information technology managers are faced with a widening gap between their budgets and the systems, equipment and services they want to buy.

Digital Government

Arkansas Governor Holds Internet Chat

Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who already spends an hour each month on radio and television answering questions from Arkansas citizens, took to the Internet Wednesday evening for his first live online chat session.

Digital Government

New York Takes New Tack on PC Procurement

As part of a new statewide PC procurement, New York has decided to get out of the business of trying to maintain listings for constantly changing PC prices and technology.

Digital Government

The Virtues of Thinking Big

The short history of the information technology industry is filled with big initiatives that fell short or fell flat. The most dramatic changes usually have been the product not of grand schemes but of serendipitous events that overtook the schemes and the schemers. But state officials at the Natio

Digital Government

A Vote for Ingenuity

Information technology, historically, has focused on automation: using computersand human ingenuityto take the grunt work out of extensive calculations, document design and other daily labors. But technology also has become part of the life stream of our communities, creating a new class of skill

Digital Government

State group pushes for broad information sharing

INDIANAPOLIS A national initiative to enable government criminal justice organizations to share information electronically eventually could lead to a national 'information architecture' available to agencies across all fields and at all levels of government, according to top state officials. The

Digital Government

FAA pact to cut flight times, costs

The Federal Aviation Administration last week decided to forge ahead with a software tool that should reduce the cost and duration of crosscountry flights, providing a key ingredient of the FAA's vision of air traffic management in the 21st century. The User Request Evaluation Tool (URET) will giv

Digital Government

Dell offers software/hardware bundles

Dell Computer Corp. announced last week that it now offers multiyear volume licensing agreements on Microsoft Corp. software bundled with Dell hardware. The government integration agreement (GIA) with Microsoft, available via Dell's General Services Administration schedule, allows an agency to set

Digital Government

Dell unveils help-desk outsourcing program

Austin, Texas Dell Computer Corp. last week announced a new initiative that takes advantage of the Internet to resolve its customers' technical problems more quickly. OpenManage Resolution Assistant, the centerpiece of a program called Esupport, speeds up support services by enabling customers t

Digital Government

Feds, states work on 'intelligent' portal sites

The Clinton administration is looking to build an intergovernmental World Wide Web portal through which the public can access information about a wide variety of government services available from federal and state government agencies.

Digital Government

SAP looks to improve on recent successes

In the first year after setting up business in the public sector, SAP America Inc. has exceeded its original goals for the market and has set its sights on even more dramatic gains in the year ahead, according to Robert Salvucci, president of SAP America Public Sector and Education Inc., a subsidia