Digital Government

Health IT: Unwired, Unadopted

Providers and consumers of health care are eager to use mobile devices that deliver improved efficiencies and outcomes, yet a number of factors -- from hospitals' inadequate bandwidth to misaligned payment incentives -- are slowing adoption.

Digital Government

Health IT Skirts Care Management

The impending large-scale deployment of health information technology seeks to dramatically improve health care, yet those technologies frequently fail to integrate care management systems that can dramatically influence efficiencies and clinical outcomes, according to results of a new survey.

Digital Government

Pushing the Paper Envelope

One of the country's most technologically advanced hospitals is outsourcing part of its health IT function to a technology-support consultancy.

Digital Government

Branding Health IT. Ouch!

Quick, what is the first image that comes to mind when you think about team work, as in "health IT is a team effort -- one that requires different players working together toward the common goals of increased coordination, quality, safety and efficiency in our health care system?"

Digital Government

Barack Obama Hates Fat People

Even if you've followed closely the government's plan to move the country's health care system from paper to electronic medical records, you may have missed a heretofore hidden provision that will allow pointy-headed bureaucrats to track the Body Mass Index of God-fearing, corn-dog loving citizens and, when necessary, ration the health care of individuals determined by the government to be (and I use the technical language here) lard buckets.

Digital Government

Pandemic: Health IT Goes Viral

Spending on health IT systems at the state and local level will surge almost 20 percent over the next five years, a trickle compared to the 20 percent annual growth rate forecast for the healthcare IT market in China.

Digital Government

Doctors cry, 'Enough!'

IT folks, in their perpetual quest to protect computerized data, favor ever-more-complicated user passwords. Doctors are crying, "Enough!"

Digital Government

Peer Review: Docs Share EHR Tales

The best lessons learned are those you don't have to learn yourself. At least, that seems to be the idea behind a free, downloadable guide incorporating the experience of about 170 health IT professionals who have already implemented electronic health records (EHRs) in their organizations.

Digital Government

Testing, Testing ... EHR ... 1, 2, 3

The inexorable march toward the future of health care--one that is digitized, codified and interconnected--has passed another milestone.

Digital Government

Governator: 'Hasta la Vista, Paper.'

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger celebrated the launch this week of an ambitious "telehealth" system that will use a dedicated broadband network to link hospitals and clinics throughout the country's most populous state.

Digital Government

Health Privacy by the Numbers

I'm married with children, so the concept of personal privacy is one that I abandoned years go.

Digital Government

Health IT: Big Costs, Big Savings

The consulting firm McKinsey & Co. has identified three characteristics of successful health IT rollouts that will allow providers that attain meaningful use of electronic health records to realize $40 billion in annual savings.

Digital Government

Drowning in Data

The federal government softened "meaningful use" standards for electronic health records, released last month, in response to criticism that proposed rules released earlier in the year were overly onerous. Critics included the Amerian Hospital Association and the American Medical Association.

Digital Government

Crazy Like a Fox

When it comes to managing patients' electronic medical records, insurance companies would not be an obvious choice for the job. After all, insurers are notorious for using information to deny claims. Can you say "pre-existing condition?" The seemingly inherent conflict of interest is akin to that of having the proverbial fox guard the eternally vulnerable hen house. In health care as in poultry management, the well-being of entities under care is brought into question.

Digital Government

Texting Lowers Insulin Levels

Adolescents with diabetes are more likely to follow treatment plans and register improved blood-glucose levels when they receive weekly text messages reminders, a new pilot study finds.

Digital Government

Certification Boards Endorse EHRs

Two large medical certification boards declared on Thursday their intention to make physicians' use of health information technology a standard by which those boards will assess and certify the competency of doctors.

Digital Government

Big Love For Big Hospitals

Federal lawmakers have introduced legislation that would increase by millions of dollars each the amount of meaningful use incentive funds that multicampus hospitals could receive.

Digital Government

Dr. G.E. Intel Will See You Now

General Electric and Intel have formed a joint venture to develop health IT products for exploiting the lucrative and fast-growing chronic care market.

Digital Government

IT Stimulus Yields Foreign Interest

In the latest case of foreigners with dollar signs in their eyes coming to America, a Paris-based IT company seeking to enter the U.S. health IT market has bought Pulse Systems, a maker of electronic health records based in Wichita, Kansas.

Digital Government

Calling FCC, FDA. Anybody Home?

On paper, it makes sense to combine the might of the Federal Communications Commission and the Food and Drug Administration to "promote innovation and investment in wireless medical devices," as reported here yesterday.