
FCW Insider: A Consumer Reports for contracting officials?

Some government contractors might address problems more quickly if negative performance reports were available to the public, a reader says.


FCW Insider: Why early adopters most often fail

Many early adopters only have themselves to blame if their ideas don’t catch on in their agency, says one reader.


Military leaders embrace idea of cyber command

The cyber command, expected to be announced in days, would help the Defense Department keep up with the changing technology and tactics of cyber warfare, current and former officials say.


FCW Insider: Should contractor performance data be public?

A reader wonders if the Obama administration’s transparency policy will include information on contractor performance scores.


FCW Insider: A glimpse into the mind of the new CTO

From the FCW archives, two articles about intriguing ideas Chopra presented at a Virginia IT conference two and a half years ago.


FCW Insider: Three quick takes on Aneesh Chopra

Here is the early buzz on Obama’s selection of Aneesh Chopra to serve as the federal government’s chief technology officer.


Recommended reading: Cybersecurity outrage, BlackBerry tips and more

Here is a roundup of interesting articles from around the Web this week.


FCW Insider: Overworked feds and acquisition reform

There's no getting away from it, readers say: The federal acquisition workforce is overworked and everybody's paying the price.


FCW Insider: In defense of security certifications

One reader offers a dissenting view on the value of requiring security professionals to achieve industry-standard certification.


FCW Insider: What's the point of security certs?

In response to a recent story, we have heard from a number of readers who see little value in requiring cybersecurity workers to have security-related industry certifications.

Digital Government

Readers react to Senate's cybersecurity bill

Some readers are not too impressed with a Senate bill that looks to improve cybersecurity in the public and private sectors.


Recommended reading for the week of April 6

How to spend less time in meetings; a frontline report from the browser hacking wars; Twitter for professionals; IT security on the cheap.


Reader feedback: 5 problems with federal hiring

FCW has received a flurry of comments on our recent report about a new bill that would streamline the federal hiring process.

Digital Government

FCW Insider: Would you rather lose the PC or Blackberry?

Your answer says a lot about your job, according to a blogger from the European Union.


FCW Insider: The problem with feds on Facebook

Many people are more than a little uncomfortable about the blurring of their personal and professional worlds in Facebook.

Digital Government

FCW Insider: What makes a Rising Star?

One reader wants to know how the judges identify individuals who have real growth potential.


FCW Insider: How to improve the virtual town hall

Social networking expert Kim Patrick Kobza has some kind words for Obama's first virtual town hall -- but lots of ideas for improving on it.


Public comments and the regulatory process

OMB has received some interesting feedback on how federal agencies can do a better job of getting public input on proposed regulations.


FCW Insider: Readers trash NSPS

A recent article on NSPS has drawn a steady stream of scathing comments about the pay-for-performance system and its mismanagement by supervisors.

Digital Government

FCW Insider: Should Kundra stay or go?

So far, we see no consensus among our readers about the future of Vivek Kundra as the federal government's first chief information officer.