
You might be a 'fedneck' if...

A "fedneck," according to members of the online forum, is a long-time government employee (and FedSoup fan) who can be identified by certain characteristics or behaviors.


5 dark linings in the silver cloud

Some people are finding that the cloud computing fever is subsiding, and all they’ve got left is a dry hack.


Performance management in action

Management experts often cite the following two projects as evidence that pay for performance can work in government.


4 approaches to pay for performance

Experts suggest various ways the Obama administration could move toward pay for performance without repeating the mistakes made with NSPS.


Research questions link between pay and performance

A researcher has found that the closer the link between pay and performance, the lower the level of performance.


Pay for performance haunted by NSPS failure

The imminent demise of the National Security Personnel System leaves many wondering about the prospects for pay for performance in government.


Stimulus map quest: It’s a long road

Data without context is meaningless to anyone but a specialist. But context without data is not so good either. Such was the dilemma presented by the Obama administration’s revamp of the Web site, which was unveiled last week.


An embarrassment of Recovery Act riches

State and local agencies learn how difficult it is to spend billions of dollars a week in federal stimulus grants.


5 problems with federal hiring — and 5 reality checks

If federal officials know they need to hire tens of thousands of new employees in the coming years, why do they make it so hard for highly qualified individuals to land — or even apply for — a job?

Digital Government

8 reasons why the government hiring process doesn't work

Readers share their experiences trying to get jobs in the federal government.


Pointers: Recommended reading

Lessons learned from data breaches; Password hackers on the loose; the Internet and civic engagement; and Twitter guidelines.


Reader feedback: Smaller pay raise wins some support

Most FCW readers are not happy that President Barack Obama wants to trim the 2010 federal pay raise, but a surprising number support the move.


5 talking points for a debate about employee poaching

Federal managers are taking a closer look at what government contractors have to offer. But it’s not their products or services the managers are after: It’s their employees.


Top 5 stories at the watercooler readers, on the whole, might be more civil than most people who post comments on mainstream Web sites but they are no less passionate.


Feds to contractors: Stop whining about employee poaching

Federal employees, long accustomed to seeing their co-workers lured away by the promise of riches in the private sector, can’t be blamed for enjoying a little schadenfreude.


VA scandal brings out the critics and cynics

Numerous readers have written to say that they are not surprised about recent allegations of misconduct at the Veterans Affairs Department.


Microsoft gets little sympathy from federal (non)fan base

A recent court ruling against Microsoft evokes mixed feelings from federal customers.

Digital Government

8 objections to playing it safe with emerging IT

Readers take issue with a former DHS official who urges caution when it comes to cloud computing, agile development and other IT fads.


Dangerous liaisons: When agencies and contractors get too close

Are ethical breaches a common occurrence in government-industry partnerships? Some readers say that is definitely the case.


Insourcing and the politics of government job security

One big difference between the government and contractor workforces, as one reader sees it, is that when agencies cut jobs, they typically reassign personnel to new positions, but when contractors cut jobs, they cut staff.