
Here are Some New Ideas for Fighting Botnets

Liability for defensive measures, surging international cooperation and making government a good role model top the list.


After Huge Hack, OPM Still Hasn't Learned Its Lesson

The Government Accountability Office found OPM is taking greater risks with its systems and data than it should.


GAO: Keeping NSA and CYBERCOM Together Makes Hacking Tool Leaks More Likely

The release of high-value NSA hacking tools in recent month sparked widespread concern about how securely those tools are stored.


Senators Want a Hack-Proof Internet of Government Things

The bill also would require government connected devices to be free of known vulnerabilities.


Pentagon Now Offering Top Officials Classified Tablets

The Defense Department's pilot program allows access to materials up to secret level.


House Panel Wants Inventory of Agencies' Kaspersky Use

The Science, Space and Technology Committee is the latest to question how the government may be using the Russian anti-virus software.


U.S. Embassies are Vulnerable to Digital Snooping, Watchdogs Find

Embassies’ telecom supply chains often go through China and they aren’t fixing vulnerabilities security officers point out.


Senators OK Funding to Improve Their Own Cybersecurity

The funding bump would raise the upper chamber’s cyber protections and train senators and staff in cyber hygiene.


OPM Confirms Digital Personnel Files Offline Until End of Month

The online files will be accessible in read-only mode until then, the agency says.


New Bill Would Help Feds Victimized by Data Breaches

The bipartisan legislation would inform victims about efforts to mitigate damage and prosecute hackers.

Digital Government

IT Modernization Gets Nod, But No Money, In House Funding Bills

Funding for a major tech upgrades push will have to wait on Senate action on a modernization bill.


DHS to Pitch in on Cybersecurity for Olympic Games

The final U.S.-Japan Cyber Dialogue under Coordinator Chris Painter reaffirmed the nations’ broader cyber alliance.

Emerging Tech

Trump Orders Extensive Study of Defense Industrial Base

The review will examine manufacturing capacity, workforce, and other priorities.


Cyber-Heavy DHS Reauthorization Bill Passes House

The reauthorization would boost cyber protections at ports and airports and offer aid to state and local governments.


Justice Department Takes Drug War to Dark Web Markets

Officials shut down a massive online drug market and warned criminals that they can't hide behind anonymized tools.


Cyber Office or Not, State Dept. Will Shape International Cyber Rules, White House Official Says

White House Cyber Lead Rob Joyce also dove into the government's use of Kaspersky anti-virus products and how agency leaders will be held accountable for breaches.


Advisory Group: Before You Plug in that Smart Device, We Need to Have a Talk

A government-industry group is prepping a plan for how makers of connected devices should talk about security with customers.