
Earnest: Intelligence Conclusions on Election Hacking Not Political

Trump has charged the IC’s conclusion Russia hacked the DNC was politically motivated.


Senators Demand Criminal Investigation into Russian Election Hacking

The demand joins a trove of investigations and requested investigations related to the hacking.


House Intelligence Chairman Opposes Special Election Hacking Probe

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has endorsed an intelligence committee-led investigation in the Senate.


Trump’s Latest Landing Teams Include Two Cyber Experts

The president-elect released names of 37 additional landing team members Friday.


US-China Cyber Dialogue to Continue Under Trump

The dialogue is part of a U.S.-China pact against commercial hacking,


Bill to Elevate CYBERCOM Heads to Obama’s Desk

The compromise defense policy bill also sets conditions for splitting NSA and U.S. Cyber Command.


Justice Department to Propose ‘Legislative Fix’ to Warrants for Data Stored Abroad

A federal appeals court is reviewing whether DOJ can demand customer data stored by Microsoft in Ireland.


Trump May Be on Collision Course with Congress over Russian Hacking

Lawmakers call Russian meddling in the election a threat to democracy; Trump says it never happened.


Top Dems Seek Full Congress Briefing on Russian Election Hacks

A whole-of-Congress classified briefing is necessitated by the threat the hacks pose to Democratic institutions, the top national security Democrats write.


Commerce Secretary to Industry: Don’t Let Cyber Report Collect Dust

Penny Pritzker endorses report’s anti-regulation stance, says regulation inhibits cyber info sharing.


Cyber Commission Hopes to Brief Trump Before Christmas

Its report includes a laundry list of recommendations for the incoming administration.


House Homeland Chairman Braces for Jurisdiction Fight Next Congress

The current shared jurisdiction system is onerous and prevents needed cyber reforms, Rep. Michael McCaul says.


Compromise Defense Policy Bill Elevates Cyber Command

The bill, which could be voted on this week, also places restrictions on splitting CYBERCOM from NSA.


Trump Appoints Legislative Cyber Leaders to Transition Team

Reps. Devin Nunes, Marsha Blackburn and Tom Marino have sponsored cyber and tech legislation.


Fight Over FBI Hacking Powers Comes Down to the Wire

Justice Department pushes back against critics day before rules expansion takes effect.


Election Security Expert Urges Paper Trail Audit

A recount in key states will ensure the election wasn’t influenced by cyber meddling and dissuade future election hacks, J. Alex Halderman says.