Emerging Tech

Confused by Obamacare? Ask the President

A virtual hangout sent one woman’s Obamacare questions straight to the White House; others are still confused.

Emerging Tech

Here’s What State of the Union Tweeters Cared About Most

'Education’ and ‘jobs’ beat out ‘Obamacare’ and ‘guns’ in #SOTUchat Tweets.

Digital Government

Senator 'Won't Back Down' Despite White House Efforts to Weaken Federal Spending Transparency Bill

Obama officials want to roll back a DATA Act requirement for common spending codes across agencies. Mark Warner, D-Va., disagrees.

Emerging Tech

Commerce Seeks a Single System to Manage Its Citizen Services

Similar private-sector platforms allow customers to have a single profile across different divisions of a company.

Emerging Tech

A Tech Free State of the Union

The president’s speech glossed over the troubled state of government technology and procurement.

Digital Government

White House Pushes Weaker Version of Spending Transparency Bill

The revised DATA Act could make it more difficult to track spending across agencies.

Digital Government

Government Web Satisfaction Drops After HealthCare.gov Launch

Tuesday’s report reverses a two-year rise in public satisfaction with government services.

Emerging Tech

A More Social State of the Union

This year’s address will include numerous social media components.

Emerging Tech

DEA Plans a Suite of Investigative Apps

The contractor building the apps has worked extensively with defense and intel agencies.

Digital Government

Obamacare Enrollment Tops 3 Million

That’s still far shy of the White House goal of 7 million enrollees by March 31.

Emerging Tech

Warren Buffett Uses Open Government Data

Other large open government data consumers include Google, Yahoo and Deloitte.

Emerging Tech

EPA Wants to Use Twitter to Track Stomach Flu

A Johns Hopkins study showed the social media site could spot flu outbreaks.

Emerging Tech

This Teen Uses Data to Track the Conversation About Bullying

Viraj Puri, 13, is seeking help from Facebook and Twitter to track the bullying conversation online.

Emerging Tech

The Congressional Civility Caucus’ Social Media Campaign Lasted Three Weeks

The group re-launched with a social media focus in 2012 but hasn’t tweeted or posted to Facebook in over a year.