Emerging Tech

Spotting the Trends in Disaster Tweets

FEMA looks for patterns in social media to improve emergency management.

Digital Government

Is It Time for a Secretary of Technology?

HealthCare.gov critic says the U.S. should learn from the British digital government model.

Emerging Tech

Sugar Daddy Dating Site Offers Obamacare Fix

Our site is far more complex than HealthCare.gov, SugarDaddyForMe says.

Digital Government

House Passes Spending Transparency Bill

The DATA Act would help watchdogs keep tabs on how federal dollars are spent.

Digital Government

Collecting Better Data to Drive Smarter Spending, L.A. Style

City residents will be able to have something like an Amazon purchase history of their interactions with the city.

Emerging Tech

Lessons From Los Angeles: Powering Up Data-Driven Government

LA launches a 311 mobile app to improve citizen services, but the long-term goal is smarter government.

Emerging Tech

Congress.gov Coming This Month

Site will replace 18-year-old Thomas.gov for legislative information.

Emerging Tech

Satellite Providers Seek Rule Change to Sell Sharper Images on the Open Market

Higher resolution imagery, now available only to intel agencies, could benefit civilian agencies and boost the private sector.

Digital Government

Agencies Could Save Nearly $6 Billion From IT Consolidation

The savings estimate from a government auditor is more than double the White House’s figure.

Digital Government

Senate Bill Would Make Data Center Consolidation the Law

Legislation would require annual reports on agencies' consolidation plans and progress.

Digital Government

Senate Panel Approves Digital Transparency Act

The bipartisan bill would make it easier to compare spending across agencies.

Emerging Tech

Testers Wanted for New Tool to Make It Easier to Petition the White House

We the People Write API will help groups gather petition signatures.

Digital Government

How States Launched Successful Health Exchanges

Minnesota and D.C. marketplaces suggest HealthCare.gov’s disastrous first month wasn’t inevitable.

Emerging Tech

White House Plans a Single FOIA Portal Across Government

The new Freedom of Information Act system could improve response times and reduce work for agencies and requesters.

Digital Government

GOP Oversight Chief Orders Sebelius to Turn Over HealthCare.gov Docs

HHS plans to honor Issa's document request but wasn't given enough time, a spokeswoman says.

Emerging Tech

The Best HealthCare.gov Movie

Congress thinks The Wizard of Oz is the best silver screen analogy but there are better ones out there.

Digital Government

Sebelius: HealthCare.gov Restriction Aimed to Avoid Glitches, Not Cause Them

A last-minute change forcing ‘window shoppers’ to register contributed to the site’s disastrous launch, vendor says.