Emerging Tech

Twitter Analysis Shows Feds' Furlough Disparity

NOAA is tweeting more since the shutdown hit, while the VA holds steady.

Emerging Tech

Thwarted Users Vent About Obamacare Website on Facebook

It's not just the opponents who are angry: People trying to sign up for health coverage complain about long wait times and software glitches.


Amazon Prevails in CIA Cloud Suit

IBM, which argued Amazon unfairly won the cloud contract, plans to appeal.

Emerging Tech

Government Tweets Down Sharply During Shutdown

Employees running some of the governments most popular Twitter accounts have been furloughed.

Digital Government

Obamacare Software Failures Confirmed

Healthcare.gov gets coding touch-ups after bugs and glitches in its first week.

Emerging Tech

Guess When the Shutdown Will End and Win $100

The crowds are saying 18 days, according to a model futures market for government outcomes.

Emerging Tech

What’s Not Shut Down During the Shutdown

A rundown of government websites and social media profiles that are still up and running.

Emerging Tech

There's No Tech Roadmap for this Shutdown

The last time politicians closed government down, a cat named Socks ruled the first White House website.

Digital Government

Major IT Problems Loom if Shutdown Drags On

Extended furloughs will depress an already demoralized technology workforce.

Emerging Tech

Fandom and Criticism: What I learned from LA’s Social Media Week

And what agencies could learn from the symbiotic relationship between obsession and criticism during the government shutdown.

Emerging Tech

Here's How Furloughed Feds Did Web Rage in '95

Furloughed employees and shutdown tourists were taking their anger online even then.

Emerging Tech

The Shutdown Will be Tweeted -- Just Not Officially

Most government Twitter and Facebook profiles are dark, but some feds are documenting the shutdown from personal accounts.

Digital Government

Government Social Media Feeds Will Go Dark During a Shutdown

Essential employees could post information to sites in the event of an emergency, officials say.


What a Government Game App Should (and Shouldn't) Look Like

CDC’s Solve the Outbreak app makes the grade but NASA’s Comet Question doesn’t.

Emerging Tech

Q&A: How City Governments Go Digital

The future of digital government will be about smaller companies and citizen security, GOV2.0LA founder says.

Emerging Tech

Most Offline Adults Prefer It That Way

About 15 percent of America’s offline adults are former Internet users who gave it up, a study found.

Emerging Tech

Making the President Viral

Obama’s digital reelection team focused on what the president’s supporters wanted their friends to think they liked.

Emerging Tech

From Twitter Revolution to Twitter Diplomacy in Iran

President Rouhani’s foreign minister is engaging in Twitter diplomacy; activists wonder when they can too.