
A Call for Cyber Diplomacy

Digital conflicts are more like conventional conflicts than we think, scholar says.

Emerging Tech

There May Be Some Feds at Defcon After All

Organizers asked the government to steer clear of the hacker conference this year.

Emerging Tech

Insider Threats ≠ Hackers

The FBI’s insider threat program relies on HR data and digital use metrics.


NSA Chief Asks Techies for Help, Not Backbench Criticism

'If you disagree with what we’re doing then you should help us twice as much,' Alexander Says.

Emerging Tech

Look Who’s Monitoring Social Media Now

The Secret Service wants to gather intelligence from Twitter and Facebook.

Emerging Tech

The IT Dashboard: Not Exactly Transparent

The transparency site’s big promises aren’t holding up in the light of day.


Amazon Sues Over CIA Cloud Deal

IBM successfully fought CIA’s award of the $150 million cloud and is intervening in the lawsuit.

Digital Government

White House Could Face Bipartisan Scorn if it Bucks IT Reform

The government will never get a fairer IT buying overhaul, a congressional technology leader warns.

Digital Government

White House Touts Nearly $1.4 Billion in IT Savings

The U.S. CIO expects to save $2.5 Billion by overhauling how agencies buy IT commodities.

Digital Government

FBI Data Center Efficiency Program the Way of the Future?

A pilot effort in West Virginia may become a model across the Justice Department.

Emerging Tech

Is Engagement Delayed Engagement Denied?

Two We the People petitions have waited 22 months for a White House response.

Digital Government

NIH Bets Big Bucks on Big Data

The agency could spend nearly $100 million on complex data analysis in biomedical research.

Digital Government

The Race to Manage Government Records Begins

Vendors invited to digitally present how they would help agencies digitally store records.