
FBI Stands Firm on ‘Going Dark’ Problem While Acknowledging Inflated Data

The bureau may have overstated by three times or more the number of encrypted devices it couldn’t access last year.


Cyber Amendments to Watch in the House’s Defense Authorization Bill

The House Rules Committee is considering more than a dozen cyber-focused amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act, a must-pass policy bill.


The IRS Doesn’t Know Who’s Accessing Its Most Sensitive Data

The tax agency also isn’t patching vulnerabilities on those systems in a timely manner, an audit found.


ZTE Kerfuffle Shows Cybersecurity Doesn’t Operate in a Vacuum

Lawmakers have decried the president’s efforts to reverse a ban on a Chinese telecom, citing security fears, but there’s a lot more at stake.

Digital Government

Lawmakers to NIH: Is Tech Stressing Out Our Kids?

Legislators also push back on the White House eliminating its cyber adviser and reverse bans on Chinese phone maker ZTE.


Cybersecurity ‘Moonshot’ Plan to Head to Trump in November

An advisory group shared broad principles of the moonshot plan, but no details, Thursday.


Pentagon is Planning Another Bug Bounty Contract

The contract envisions some short contests of just a few weeks and some that are ongoing.


White House Cuts Cyber Coordinator Role But Lawmakers Say Not So Fast

House Democrats charged National Security Adviser John Bolton’s move lowers the White House’s cyber expertise as threats are increasing.


Homeland Security Flexes Muscles with New Cybersecurity Strategy

The strategy envisions clearer consequences for agencies that don’t meet their cyber responsibilities.


Agency That Vets Pentagon Contractors’ Security Isn’t Keeping Up With the Threat, Audit Finds

The Defense Security Service plans to shift to a risk-based approach, but needs to reach out to stakeholders, GAO says.

Digital Government

Stringrays, Blocked Nominations and a Ton of Tech Bills

Congress is on a roll of tech-focused bills, including one that adds cyber positions to an agency.


Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Bar Government Encryption Backdoors

The move comes as Attorney General Jeff Sessions is pushing for legislation to allow access to encrypted communications.


House Panel Approves More Military Cyber Support for Critical infrastructure

The pilot program would allow the Pentagon to lend cyber troops to the Homeland Security Department.


Planned Food Stamp Recipients Database Sparks Hacking Fears

Critics say the database is unnecessarily expansive and would be a major draw for hackers.


Kaspersky is Off All Federal Networks but Remains on Contractor Systems

The Homeland Security Department wants to impose greater consequences on contractors that haven’t removed the Russian anti-virus.


Huawei, ZTE Banned in House Draft of Pentagon Policy Bill

The bill also requires a governmentwide strategy to counter Chinese cyber threats.

Digital Government

Net Neutrality Fight Returns to the Hill

Plus lawmakers want to know what the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau is doing about Equifax and what 's delaying the Veterans Affairs Department's health record purchase.