
Foreign groups target defense tech

More than ever before, government-affiliated institutions in foreign countries are targeting the U.S. defense industry in order to steal sensitive technology.


Walker: DOD programs plagued by immature technology

Some Army programs have run ahead of the available technologies, the GAO head told a House subcommittee.


Air Force micro-satellite to test tactical data comms

The TacSat-2 is part of the Joint Warfighting Space initiative, which seeks to develop low cost, rapidly deployable space technologies to support tactical operations.


National Defense University takes systems off-line

NDU, located in Washington, D.C., is currently without Internet or e-mail while undergoing unspecified maintenance activities.


Gates' Iraq focus could impede modernization at DOD

Defense Secretary is handed the challenge of balancing current and future priorities.


House makes blogging easy

Using the House Web Log Utility, members of Congress can blog through their official Web sites.


Land Warrior will deploy despite budget cut rumors

The program has enough funding for fiscal 2007 and developers are confident that Congress will support the deployment, according to program officials.


DOD fields multilevel security environment

The Cross Domain Collaborative Information Environment brings outside parties into the information loop.


Training event links IT with military, international partners

Joint Forces Command led DOD's latest homeland defense simulation with Australian and Swedish teams to train leaders to work with multinational partners.


Gates to continue Rumsfeld-style transformation

The nominee for secretary of Defense also pledges to review policies related to acquisitions and workforce management.


China is suspected of hacking into Navy site

Naval War College systems off-line following network intrusion.


Army lets protesters onto ITES-2S

Five protesting companies will now be allowed to join the contract.


Defense Travel System has few defenders

Lawmakers, travel companies and DOD users all have complaints about the $500M system.


China a major cyberthreat, commission warns

China is fielding information warfare units and developing anti-satellite capabilities aimed at countering U.S. military technology, according to U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.


Network attack disables Naval War College

A news report states that Chinese hackers are responsible, but officials are investigating the cause and computer and e-mail systems remain off-line.


Army issues draft RFP for $925M program management contract

The Program Management Support Services-2 contract vehicle will be used to assist PEO-EIS with various tasks in its 42 program offices.


ITES-2S protest settlements reached

The Army will allow five previously excluded companies to join the contract, officials said.


DARPA taps IBM and Cray to build super supercomputers

In designing the proposed system, IBM will focus on advancing the state of supercomputer software, not just processor power.


Wennergren practices positive thinking

Navy’s CIO will soon bring his sunny leadership style to the Pentagon.


GAO: DOD needs chief management officer

DOD needs an official who has authority, experience and tenure to drive change and be accountable for results, according to a new GAO report.