Digital Government

NASA offers Kennedy Space Center to private companies

Bid to draw private space companies to the area may also be designed to encourage area residents who depend on the space program for jobs.

Digital Government

Leahy leads another effort at patent reform

Reducing the backlog at the PTO has "broad" support, said Brian Pomper, executive director of Innovation Alliance, a group that includes technology firms such as Qualcomm.

Digital Government

Patent Office director touts agency's potential to stimulate economy

Easing the backlog in patent applications could help create jobs, says David Kappos.

Digital Government

Audit: NASA not doing enough to combat fraud in business program

Result that about 25 percent of the awards included improper payments totaling $2.7 million.

Digital Government

Officials tout health provider embrace of health IT

Under the 2009 economic stimulus package, eligible hospitals may now receive millions of dollars to help implement new IT programs while individual practitioners may receive thousands of dollars in support.

Digital Government

Congress is likely to tackle patent reform this year

Even if comprehensive reform eludes lawmakers, changes are expected in areas of broad agreement, Hill staffers say.

Digital Government

Group says Americans want more federal money for medical IT

In a statement released Wednesday, the council urged federal officials to increase investments in medical technology and health care innovation.

Digital Government

FCC officially names new inspector general

Acting IG David Hunt will be named to position going forward.