Digital Government

Senator working on a privacy 'do-not-track' bill

Legislation would allow consumers to opt-out of having their Web activities tracked for advertising purposes.

Digital Government

Sen. Rockefeller doubts net neutrality bill will move this year

The Senate Commerce Committee chairman said on Wednesday he believes it will be "almost impossible" to move a network neutrality bill through Congress this year.

Digital Government

Finding common ground, but no agreement on protecting online privacy

Data is used to help advertisers and marketers target users based on their interests.

Digital Government

European Union project to boost computing power

The European Union announced on Tuesday a new project this week aimed at giving European researchers more computing power to help tackle a broad range of complex issues from the environment to energy to health.

Digital Government

Group issues 'i-Awful' list for House privacy bills

Privacy groups argue that the bill is too weak and would do little to change the status quo.


Less than half of 'Net connections meet FCC speed goal

A Federal Communications Commission report released on Thursday examining Internet access subscriptions found less than half of U.S. subscribers currently get broadband service that meets or exceeds speed targets set by the commission in its national broadband plan.

Digital Government

Industry group says 'significant progress' on net neutrality talks

Information Technology Industry Council President and Chief Executive Officer Dean Garfield issued a progress report on Tuesday about his group's efforts to find some middle ground among stakeholders battling over network neutrality, saying there has been "significant progress" while declining to provide any details.

Digital Government

Former NASA administrator on crashed flight in Alaska

Former NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe, who is now chief executive officer of EADS North America, is among the passengers on a plane that crashed in Alaska Monday night, the company said Tuesday.

Digital Government

Groups call on Congress to probe Internet Explorer's privacy

Six privacy groups have called on the Senate and House Commerce committees to examine whether the latest version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser makes it easier for firms to track a consumer's Web surfing habits for advertising purposes.

Digital Government

FTC weighs 'do not track' registry for web activities

The FTC is expected to release a report in the fall with recommendations on ways to improve online privacy.

Digital Government

Public safety officials to kick off lobbying blitz for spectrum

Police chiefs, sheriffs, emergency communications professionals and others plan to lobby Capitol Hill next week to persuade lawmakers to reallocate a block of spectrum for the creation of a nationwide interoperable public safety broadband network.

Digital Government

HHS issues final rule on meaningful use for e-health records

Up to $27 billion will be available during 10 years for the incentive payments, allowing health professionals to obtain as much as $44,000 under Medicare and $64,700 under Medicaid, while hospitals could receive millions of dollars to help with the implementation and use of certified electronic health professionals.

Digital Government

Public safety group disputes FCC's claim on spectrum

A coalition of public safety officials disputed the Federal Communications Commission's claims that its proposal in the national broadband plan for building an interoperable public safety network will adequately serve the needs of emergency first responders.

Digital Government

HHS proposes rules to enhance health information privacy

The Health and Human Services Department proposed rules on Thursday to enhance the privacy of health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Digital Government

Report predicts rising need for more educated workers

A study released on Thursday from Georgetown University predicts that in eight years a majority of U.S. jobs will require some post-secondary education, demand the United States is not ready to meet.

Digital Government

Senators push back against Republican opposition to reclassification

The FCC is set to vote on Thursday to seek comment on this "third way" proposal from FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and other approaches.

Digital Government

Agriculture secretary touts benefits of rural broadband funds

The service received $2.5 billion from the $7.2 billion included in the stimulus for broadband access and adoption, while the Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration received the rest.